FAQs for Lending to Timism

  1. What repayment options for this "loan?" Tentative repayment options are job hunting, healthcare and tax payments.
  2. Can I sign up for more than one account? No. Persons found having more than one account will all accounts cancelled and be barred from any further accounts with and benefits from Timism.
  3. Can I sign up my business. Yes, visit Signup. When trading of lifehours begins, many businesses will want to take a percentage or all of the purchase price in lifehours. Remember, access to certain timism services, e.g.,. refinancing to zero-interest lifehour loans, is dependent on how many lifehours you have. (As an indvidual I would be hesitant about cashing in lifehours as I would be hesitant to cash in my retirement to use for daily purchases.)
  4. Limited time offer: Please note that purchase of ads or items as loans is temporary until a critical mass of public awareness is achieved. Thereafter, new supporters of timism must pay one hour of earnings to signup (lifehours are still awarded).