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## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
1 090903 htm
Legacy YOUNG Kelsey Renee Young
  1. Survivors include her infant daughter, Ava Renee
  2. father of her child, Andrew Campos
2 091015 htm
WashPost Patrick Welsh -- To Explain the Achievement Gap, Examine the Parenting Gap
  1. Making the Grade Isn't About Race. It's About Parents.
  2. The lack of a father in their lives had undermined their education
3 091024 htm
PalmBeach Parents infuriated over wait for swine flu vaccine
  1. The children had been vaccinated against a flu strain that was not circulating, rendering them unable to be vaccinated against the strain that actually threatened them.
4 100405 htm
WashPost Richard Cohen - Kids gone wild, parents gone missing
  1. It is precisely the absence of parents, or any adult actually, that enables the boys of the island to descend into savagery, and it is the sudden appearance of an adult at the end that restores what we would now call law and order.
  2. You will notice that in all the finger-pointing -- the students, the teachers, the administrators -- not a digit is aimed at the parents. Their children are accused of hounding a classmate to death and the parents apparently knew nothing.
5 100514 htm
WashPost Study finds that effects of low-quality child care last into adolescence

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