Orphans of GlobalDying\OilDroughts\Alaska\!R-Gen
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  1. HTM Bibliography: Chronological Sort for E:\Timism.com\GlobalDying\OilDroughts\Alaska\ [V:150522@04:19]
  2. JPG AlaskaMapNasa.jpg
  3. HTM Alaska May Take a Stake in Pipeline
  4. JPG AlaskaPipelineVu.jpg
  5. JPG BlcsmokePrudhoeBay.jpg
  6. JPG BlcsmokePrudhoeBay600.jpg
  7. HTM For many with stake in Alaska native corporations, promise of better life remains unfulfilled
  8. HTM Interior Department to Open Alaskan Land to Oil Drilling
  9. HTM Large Oil Spill in Alaska Went Undetected for Days
  10. HTM Lashed North East Record Storm*
  11. HTM Oil Spill Raises Concerns Over Pipeline Maintenance
  13. HTM An Oil Pipeline in Peril?
  14. JPG PermaThawAlaska040113.jpg
  15. GIF PrudhoeBay.gif
  16. GIF alaskamapNatGeo.gif
  17. JPG alaskamapNatGeo2.jpg
  18. JPG alaskamapNatGeothm.jpg
  19. JPG alaskamapNatSq.jpg
  20. GIF alaskapipelinemap300.gif
  21. JPG alaskapipelinemapSQ.jpg
  22. JPG pipeline.jpg
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05-22-2015 @ 05:30:26