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  1. GIF 2007-0822_oldice080627NYT.gif
  2. HTM Arctic Map Vanishes, and Oil Area Expands
  3. HTM Artic Is Screaming
  4. HTM Arctic sea ice melting three times faster than projected
  5. HTM At the Poles, Melting Occurring at Alarming Rate
  6. HTM Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica
  7. JPG ExtentOfIcedotearth_graphic533-080627NTY.jpg
  8. HTM Arctic sea ice cover at record low
  9. HTM Ice Bound Greenland Heats U P
  10. HTM Ice Sheet Antarctic Melt Speeds Up
  11. HTM Ice Update and Unfiltered U.S. Climate Report - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com
  12. HTM Arctic Ocean Ice Retreats Less Than Last Year - NYTimes.com
  13. HTM Half Past Human: SkinIn: History
  14. HTM Many Arctic Plants Have Adjusted to Big Climate Changes, Study Finds
  15. HTM Climate Change - Sea Ice - Arctic - New York Times
  16. HTM Perennial Arctic Ice Cover Diminishing, Officials Say
  17. GIF PerennialArcticIceDiminishes080319WashPost.gif
  18. HTM New Data Show Rapid Arctic Ice Decline
  19. HTM Sea Ice Builds But Remains Vulnerable
  20. HTM Scientists Report Severe Retreat of Arctic Ice - New York Times
  21. HTM Ice Shelf Break Up Antartica500 M B*
  22. HTM Analysts See ‘Simply Incredible’ Shrinking of Floating Ice in the Arctic - New York Times
  23. HTM Temperatures Record High
  24. HTM Thousands Of Walruses Abandon Ice
  25. HTM Thunder Ice Melting Greenland*
  26. HTM Vast Expances Of Artic Ice Melt In Summer Heat
  27. HTM Warm Ice Festival St Paul*
  28. HTM Warmest Arctic Temperatures For2000 Years
  29. HTM Warming Is Blamed for Antarctica's Weight Gain
  30. HTM What’s Really Up With North Pole Sea Ice? - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com
  31. HTM World's largest ice sheet melting faster than expected | Environment | guardian.co.uk
  32. JPG crackingExampleMarine.jpg
  33. JPG uss-skate-open-water.jpg
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08-25-2012 @ 09:35:41
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