This categorization was constructed for review and use by the eventual litigation team to sue the City of Richmond, the Richmond Police Department, and the Richmond Department of Public Works for collusion and conspiracy to deprive Robert S. Barnett, 3600 Anne Street, of his rights to equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Categories of Bad Actions by Neighbors
at 401 Bland, Betty Ann Brown

Chronological Timeline Listing

Please note:

  1. Note all videos were triggered by noisy car radios.
  2. Each noise recording had been going some minutes before I could get my camera recording.
  3. On the fence, please note the red reflectors and note walkway and bushes. Both were part of $15,000 investment to improve neighbors property, security and safety between 2003 and 2011. At the time, she said she appreciated my help. At the time, her friends and relatives said she was lucky ot have a neighbor like me. [I did it to repay my dead grandma who raised me from age 8 to age 14.]
  4. I stopped helping my neighbors when Betty Ann Brown called me a thief and called a neighbor a "white bitch."
  5. Thereafter, from her and others, I am told, "I did not ask him to do anything." Now, do you think I would have done any of the improvements if I had not had her consent? She seems to think that because she did not come up with the ideas that they were not gifts by me.
  6. Of my documenting BAB's family collective disruption of my peace and quiet, I have been told that I don't have a life. Since 1982, I have sought ways to save life on earth--Timism: The Morality of More Time. That is my life.
  7. Because of Richmond Crowjimmers, I have had less of a life because of the color of my skin, and you will have less of a future life as my insights in climate change have been delayed. [If you live in Richmond, you live in a Timism Deadzone, i.e., no benefits from the Tools of Timism, e.g., brainbees, lifehours, and 24in4.]
  8. Nomenclature: DOC=Virginia Dept Of Corrections

Categories (click to jump to category listing)

  1. Assault, Physical
  2. Brandishing Weapon
  3. Bud Abuse (A brother of Betty Ann Brown)
  4. Child Abuse/Endangerment
  5. Drug Transaction
  6. Handicap Phony: Betty Ann Brown
  7. Handicap Phony: Tonjia Baker, aka, ??
  8. Harassment
  9. Littering
  10. Noisy Car Radio
  11. Pseudo Handicap
  12. Signs

Favorite Videos: In May, 2017, for reasons of public safety and traffic flow, a city supervisor issued a work order to erect "No Parking" signs.. A few weeks later, with profanities and slander, my neighbors told me the signs were coming down. The Richmond Police would put me in jail if I, as a white person, did similar things.

  1. white motherfucking faggot
  2. wife ain't shit
  3. what the cops going to do?
  4. Never going to get it
The signs were cut down with Betty Ann Brown attempting to block the view like chinese police who block western journalists recording wrong-doings.

  1. Assault, Physical
    1. 180213 Brown chases me with a plank (transcript) [plank scene at 2:10]
    2. 180217 Brown Sucker Punches me (transcript) I was in middle of street recording loud radio 90+desibels.
    3. 180217 Brown chases me with a brick (No talking only loud radio)
    4. 180310 Daughter Sucker Punches me when I complain about loud music. Per RPD instruction, she get warrants against me trespassing. I have not been on their property since November, 2012, when Betty Ann Brown called me a thief and called another neighbor a "white bitch." (transcript). She attacked me near the middle of the street. I was stopped when she came at me.
    5. 180331 Series of Videos
      1. Will you close the car door so I can drive by (transcript)
      2. Tries to run over me (transcript)
      3. Sequence of threats and assaults (transcript): [Please note my non-profane comments.  Sadly, my wife was present and witnessed the events, calling 911.]
        1. [0:11] Throws bottle : "too close to me" but she is the one advancing on  me--[clearly based on her accessing her car's trunk to retrieve the bottle for throwing, her actions were pre-meditated.]
        2. [0:16] "been fucking with me all week" In all the years, I have not initiated any contact except in response to the Blanders breaking laws. Gandhi, MLK and Lincoln all said it is a duty to confront your oppressors.
        3. "all week"--maybe inside her mind. I had had no contact with her including merely filming a prior middle-of-street parking on 130324 and  prior to that was the 130310 daughter's sucker punching me (see above).
        4. [0.18] throws bottle hitting me in ankle which 'smarted' for a couple of days.
        5. [0:19] Attacks me, knocking me about
        6. [0:25] "I'll kill you"
        7. [0:27] "I'll kill you, man."
        8. [0:28] "I'll kill you. Damn sure will."
        9. [0:30] "I'll kill you, you poor white motherfucker."
        10. [0;38] "Poor white trash, just like your mammi."]
        11. [0:49] Gets into car
        12. [0:50] "I'll wait for the police. They ain't got no fucking police."
        13. [0:59] Exit car
        14. [1:06] Gets a brick
        15. [1:12] "Keep on fucking with me"
        16. [1:19] Retrieves bottle previously thrown at me
        17. [1:28] Throws bottle at me again, I ducked. [Bottle ends up near telephone pole before being mysteriously moved--see below.]
  2. Brandishing Weapon
  3. Bud Abuse (Complaint)
    1. 130427BudDrinkingOnPorch.mp4
    2. 130427Bud Arriving
    3. 130824BudKickedOutside.mp4 (RPD email)
    4. 131204TanyaRunningAfterBud.mp4
    5. 140201BudComingBackAgain.mp4
  4. Child Abuse/Endangerment (Complaint)
    1. 120923-TwoChildren1CarSeat.mp4
    2. 130507TanyaBudSmokingIgnoringKid.mp4
    3. 130513UnloadingCarKidInStreet.mp4
    4. 130713Cig-TanyaMrsBrownSitting.mp4
    5. 140104DrugBuyTanya.mp4
    6. 140302TanyaSmokingWlittleKid.mp4
    7. 140811SmokingKidInCar.mp4
    8. 140812KidBackSeatMovingTanyaDriving.mp4
    9. 170413BabyNoCarSeatFront.mp4
  5. Drug Transactions
    1. 140104DrugBuyTanya.mp4
    2. After "No Parking" signs went up, Betty Ann Brown was observed immediately placing a small brown bag in the trunk of her car.
    3. On 180201, a grandson parked for about 30 minutes with cardoor open and music playing until another car drove up with an exchange of a small package and money. This is not the first time, e.g., bag drop into supercan retrieved by later driver. Anne Street, a multi-personality crime scene!)
  6. Handicap phony: Betty Ann Brown (DMV, DPW, DPU)
    1. 131224BettyAndTanyaEmptyingCar.mp4
    2. 140128liftingGroceryBags.mp4
    3. 140212BettyAndTanya.mp4
    4. 151212SuperCanWakingBrown.mp4
    5. 170718MsBrownBootyShake.mp4 "Never going to get it"--priceless
  7. Handicap phony: Tonjia Baker, aka, ?? (DMV, DPW, DPU, DOC) Note how the neighbors park at the top of hill across from my workspace while they block the space in front their house where they had a handicappe parking sign erected: THEY ARE NOT HANDICAPPED.

    1. 130505TanyaCarryingPackages.mp4
    2. 130513UnloadingCarKidInStreet.mp4
    3. 130615TanyaDancingInCar.mp4
    4. 130703DancingBigGulp.mp4
    5. 130810bTanyaKickingDoor.mp4
    6. 130816TanyaFixingCar.mp4
    7. 131005BigArticleTanyaCarrying.mp4
    8. 131020TanyaDancingExitCar.mp4
    9. 131101LiftingWRichtHand.mp4
    10. 131102TanyaDancing.mp4
    11. 131103PorchDancingTanya.mp4
    12. 131204TanyaRunningAfterBud.mp4
    13. 131207TanyaBagsCarrying.mp4
    14. 131224BettyAndTanyaEmptyingCar.mp4
    15. 140120TanyaDancingLiftingBags.mp4
    16. 140128liftingGroceryBags.mp4
      I'm not a video voyeur: These videos triggered by neighbor parking outside my workspace instead of in front of their house.
    17. 140206TanyaBigBags.mp4
    18. 140212BettyAndTanya.mp4
    19. 140315TanyaOneLeggedEmptyingTrunk.mp4
    20. 140329TanyaBigOneHandLoad.mp4
    21. 140331TanyaDancingInCar.mp4
    22. 140403TanyaEmptyingTrunk.mp4
    23. 140404TanyaPuttingLuggageInTrunk.mp4
    24. 140713CarryingLuggageTanya.mp4
    25. 140718ExitingCarTanya.mp4
    26. 140721ExitingCarSmokingTanya.mp4 (Please note how she does not park close to entry walkway but across from my workstation.)
    27. 140726EmptyingTrunkWatermelonTanya.mp4
    28. 140809EmptyingTrunkTanya.mp4
    29. 140809RemovingCarSeatTanya.mp4
    30. 160217DancingInCarTanya.mp4
    31. 170502TanyaExitingFrontSeat.mp4 (DOC)
    32. 170523TanyaUmbrellaBendOver.mp4 (DOC)
    33. 170524TanyaDoubleBagging.mp4 (DOC)
    34. 170630WashingCarTire-RaisingHood.mp4
    35. 170730EmptyingTrunkTire.mp4
    36. 170731TanyaExitingCarArmsFull.mp4 (DOC)
    37. 170802TanyaBackseatEmptyingArmsFull-u.mp4 (DOC)
  8. Harassment: (RPD)
    1. 131011FlippiingBirdTanya.mp4
    2. 140106BettyBrownBacksCarUpHill.mp4 (Details)
    3. 14012BBleavesCarDoorOpen.mp4
    4. 170718MsBrownBootyShake.mp4 "Never going to get it"--priceless
  9. Littering on Anne Street
    1. 131102LitteringStreetTanya.mp4
  10. Noisy Car Radio: (Note on all these due to noisy car radio heads-up almost without exception)
    1. 130615TanyaDancingInCar.mp4
    2. 14012BBleavesCarDoorOpen.mp4
    3. 140201LoudRadioWindowsDown.mp4
    4. 140207TanyaLoudLongNoise.mp4
    5. 140216bBB_TBcarDoorOpen.mp4
    6. 140331TanyaDancingInCar.mp4
    7. 170718MsBrownBootyShake.mp4 "Never going to get it"--priceless
    8. 170730TanyaDancingInCarNoise.mp4
    9. 170804EmptyNoisyCar.mp4
    10. 180122TanyaNoisyCar.mp4
  11. Pseudo Handicap: Re-certification Time for SSDI? (SSadm)
    1. 130802TanyaPicking.mp4 (note arm sling)
    2. 130810aTanyaUnloadingWRightHand.mp4 (note arm sling)
    3. 131225ChristmasPoliceTanya-PhonyCane.mp4
    4. 131228ThxULordJesusAssholebyTanya-PhonyCane.mp4
    5. 1401017TanyaWalking-s.mp4
    6. 140429TanyaCane.mp4
    7. 140501TanyaCane.mp4
    8. 140503TanyaNoCane.mp4
  12. Signs:
    1. 170720SignsComingDown.mp4
    2. 170720SignsCutDown.mp4
    3. 170720SignsDown-BrownBlockingView.mp4