I did not ask him to do it.

One of the funny and pathetic factors is how Betty Brown responds to references to my $10,000 to $15,000 of improvements to her property: "I did not ask him to do it."

Do you think I would modify another person's property without their permission? At all times the project was discussed with her asking me to go forward.

I was blind-sided by a Richmond police officer at the beer joint down the street who ask if I was Betty Brown's neighbor. When I said yes, she responded, "You should treat her better. She did not ask you to do those improvements."

Now think about the lack of logic in her statement after the question: Does the officer think that I should have done more "unasked" improvements as a form of better treatment.

[I believe that is the crux of the Brown's anger: I had done so much that they came to expect it.]