Regina parks in Cathy's space: Videos she walks to car. ... Apparently encouraged clients to view recordings of their law-breaking to be stalking. As such, Mr. Hess has indirectly encouraged law-breaking and entrapment as well as violation of my civil liberties. Uncivility. Mr. Hess either does not knows or choses to igknow how his clients are pathological liars with a long string of falsehoods and law-breaking. ... rationale/basis for stalking warrant ... uncivility ... latest participant in "collusion creep" which is becoming, a necessity, a conspiracy clique as the participants cannot back out and must act to so as to hide their original racist motivation or ??? ... earned place on my individual defendants in 14th amendment suit. Needs to tell clients that my video taping their breaking the law is not stalking. He can save himself a lot of time downstream, not as a barrister but as barred attorney.

  1. I am being stalked
  2. Smart phone party
  3. Scoundrel or Fool? If Hess knowingly encouraged his clients to confabulate my document their law-breaking and their uncivility into "stalking," he should be disbarred. If he naively did it, then Hess needs to go back to law school.
  4. Employment Termination: ?? ... ??. Mr. Hess if you encouraged these women to get
  5. Encouraged Blanders to stalk me and break laws.

Regina: Sign Suntrust condones employees' racist profane tirades, e.g., Regina Jones repeatedly has called me a white m-f- faggot.

Confabulated conflicts of interest:

This Stalking confabulation echos the March 10, 2018, incident in which Tonjia Baker profanes me and sucker punches me (vid) and falsifies under sworn oath the details of the event. There is no justice in Richmond for a white person facing a black person in court.