After sending the last email of thanks for the no parking signs on Anne Street, I found myself wondering whether I had imagined the bullet ridden car. It is bizzare worthy of a laughing rejection.
I am lucky that everything I have researched or written since the late 1970s is digitized including the bullet car. To wit,

Three obvious bullet holes: mirror, door jam and rear door.
My digitized knowledge base has helped me to be a concluder rather an opinionator. Conclusions and opinions are both answers to a question. Their Latin orgin shows the difference.
  1. A conclusion is an answer which almost everyone agrees upon, e.g., 2+2=4. Conclusion comes from "common closure," that is, a common answer. Similarly, a congress is a common meeting.
  2. An opinion reflects what one opines or wants, that is, it is a political answer with the answerer cherry-picking the data for his answers to meet what he wants. Or, the person is naive or igknowant of full knowledge to conclude instead of opine. Otherwise, one is a lying hypocrite.
If one always strives to tell the truth then one only has to remember one answer. One will be a concluder in one's answers. A liar has to remember many stories or answers depending on the setting.
The above sequence of analogies leads into why one should not be a racist. Racism is an opinion, an answer to question "What is humanity?" A non-racist concludes we are all the same. Unlike the racist, the non-racist does not have to have different personalities for different people. A non-racist has only one personality to remember, the same personality he has for all people (except for his grandmother for whom he/she is the perfect angel.)
Other bizzare memories that I have checked is the origin of Republic (res pubes, rich pubes [a democracy limited to rich adults--the GOP]), testify (to have testes) and how many jewish baby boys get AIDS from being circumcised. (The latter is a doozey!).
So, once again, thanks for the seeming fix on the noise problem on Anne Street. I hope it is fixed.
Bob Barnett