Xi Jinping, President, People's Republic of China
Cui Tianki, Ambassador to United States

Document Location: www.Timism.com\Letters\2018\ChinaGiftOfTimism.htm

Dear President and Ambassador,

I have a great, gratis gift for the People's Republic of China. Before reading further--and to encourage your tentatively appreciating the claimed value of this gift--please review college transcript and career resume.

The gift is a cloud-based application that organizes and motivates people to find the best solution to problems via brainbees. Brainbees are like spelling bees only people spell out problem definitions and solutions instead of words. Brainbees

  1. find the Einstein moments among participants, and,
  2. are the super-highway to government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Brainbees will help China improve domestic efficiency and tranquility and expand international presence

  1. International application of brainbees
    1. Export Better Democracy & Better Capitalism: Brainbees fulfill its Greek Roots of : Divide people (demos) optimally to rule (cratia) on their problems.
    2. Rome Analogy: Initially, Rome was viewed as invaders until Rome provided structure and security so merchants could tap new and larger markets.
    3. Silk Road Insurance Policy: Like Rome, China investment in global presence can be enhanced by helping all transited nations have better economies.
    4. Without brainbees, China will metastasize its own version of Ugly Americans in foreign lands. Without brainbees, China will go down the road akin to fascism and revolt.
  2. Domestic benefits of brainbees
    1. Domestic Turmoil
      1. Stop corruption sooner and faster.
      2. Vent pressure: Hong Kong will be less of a problem and distraction.
      3. Increased social responsibility increases individual freedom--rationale for your CCTV of citizens public actions.
      4. China has rapidly progressed because it is a rowboat in which people are rowing together in a new direction rather than the mayhem on the US ship of state.
      5. China has been increasing its level of democracy which, otherwise, would lead to worsening internal disruptions. Brainbees are the key stable, faster growth.
      6. With Brainbees, a president will preside over positive choices rather having to choose between the lesser of many evils.
    2. Timism: The Morality of More Time
      1. CCTV of actions: Increased social responsibility increases individual freedom.
      2. Cliches of Timism (included)

Before going forward, there is a larger picture that prompts my offer: Climate Change. I first wrote on climate change in 1982 when I predicted that rising atmospheric CO2 would lead to worsening droughts at the source with downwind torrential downpours and flooding. This is the new global norm. I describe other aspects of rising CO2 levels in "CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule." Timism, the Morality of More Time, has a Global Dying section with an explanation of China's droughts and floods.

Another gift from my thinking in the 1970s is "Spinbarism", i.e., the spin bars or bares the reaction. It provides a Simple Model to replace the Standard Model in physic as a synthesis of relativity and quantum mechanics, to wit, "The linear speed of light is an epiphenomenon of the rotational speed and precession angle of the basic particle of existence." In other words, Spinbarism provides a new perspective to how E=hf=MCC. This perspective should help adjust physicists thinking to achieve "finessed" fusion.

I am offering the gift, in part, because of my horrible mistreatment by local officials (police, politicians, bureaucrats and jurists) as well as the U.S. Veteran Affairs staffers (www.VAgulag.com). More importantly, I have increasingly realized that China, not the USA, is more likely to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change. The PMI is what motivates this missive. If China is to have tariffs then they should be climate change tariffs to reverse global dying. (Economic tariffs are a sign of bad policy making.] The US will not lead in the most important addressing this elephant in the room. While China has some short-comings which brainbees can ameliorate, only China is headed in the right direction to lead in saving life on earth from climate change.

I will in DC on the July 30 till afternoon rush hour to answer questions and review the possibilities and rewards for China in helping save our shared planet. I can return at a later date for Q&A. If I have not heard from you in a week, I will re-address this letter to India.


Robert S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
FYI: Primary Moral Imperative: Save Life on Earth from Climate Change
  1. The Past: UG Transcript (2-years cum laude) * Resume * Achievements * References (proud of last one) * Bona Fides * You Cannot Respect Me
  2.  Climate Change Essays (20+) Key essays
    1. Oil Droughts (1982, 1st essay)
    2. CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule 
    3. AlphaTrifecta: Rising CO2 levels behind worsening Autism, ADHD and Alzheimers rates
  3. The Future: Timism.com * 24in4 (Manheaven Blueprint) * Existential Meltdown *   Business Model Viral * Brainbees * Lifehours * China letter