Goal of ManHeaven Project

The goal of the ManHeaven Project is to save life on earth from the worsening effects of Global Warming, that is, Global Dying, that is, the goal is the primary moral imperative.

  1. If it is necessary to kill all human beings except for one Adam and one Eve, we must be prepared to so do in order for the human race to continue. Variations of this was stated by Lincoln in regards to saving the union and freeing slave, that is,
    If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it,
    and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it;
    and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.

    In other words,
    If we can save life on earth and save all humans that is what we should do,
    if we can save only some humans then that is what we should do,
    if can save no humans but can save life on earth, then that is what we should do.
    It is sad that the people in charge of our institutions makes one contemplate the previous thought.
  2. The guiding principles by which people will be selected for the ManHeaven Arks, that is, get off of the global deathrow, are honest applications of better democracy, better capitalism and better values.
    1. Better democracy: Who are the best problem-solvers of real needs, not fabricated wants and desires.
      To politically select the problem-causers who have corrupted the habitual politicians is a recipe for death of all life.
    2. Better capitalism: Who are those who have earned the most lifehours from implementing the ManHeaven Project.
      To politically select the problem-causers who have corrupted the habitual politicians is a recipe for death of all life.
    3. Better disgust : Who are the true followers of God's truths, not who are the biggest moneytheists .
      To politically select the problem-causers who have corrupted the habitual politicians is a recipe for death of all life.

The military has a duty to observe these guidelines in prioritizing its mission in life .

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