Greetings, FYI, not letter to editor,
The recent deluges prompted me to think you might like my insights into climate change. In 1982, I wrote "Oil Droughts" in which I predicted worsening droughts with downwind deluges and flooding. Interestingly, and importantly, in the first sentence of the second paragraph: I stated the conclusion (based on my research at the time) that the oil companies knew this. This conclusion has been borne out with more than one state's Attorney General initiating litigations into what did the oil companies know and do in the 1970s. Petro-execs echo tobacco and sugar execs in deep-sixing industry-harming research. (In 2002, I deduced government officials knew it as documents related to this began disappearing from Dept of Interior and Mineral Management Service websites.)
The vast majority of climatologists, meteorologists, etc. are one-sided, shallow thinkers with little and limited knowledge, e.g., think of NBC's Joker Roker or WTVR's Double-D Ray. My approach is based on a strong background in electricity, electronics, chemistry and metabolism. In the US Navy I was the youngest electronic technician out of 88 who helped maintain one of the first two cell phones based on my record performance in electornic school: The phones were for the President to conduct war if need be. In undergraduate school, I completed a 9-month organic chemistry (the study of carbon-backed molecules) in two months as an overload. It is worth noting that I completed U.G. requirements at So. Illinois. University (then 29,000 students) in two years cum laude. One semester I ace'd 24 hours--see achievements and resume.
In graduate school, my focus was physiology and neuro-sciences. My interest and hobby was the metabolism of CO2. From the latter, I originally wrote in 1982 that the concern with CO2 causing warming was misplaced because the more immediate impact would be changes in precipitation. If you look around the world, the present 65 million refugees are not escaping global warming but global drying while others suffer record deluges and flooding. The Mid-East is in a record 900-year drought caused by the upwind burning of unsalable natural gas--an average of 140 barrels of gas with each pumped barrel of oil. Likewise the downwind Horn of Africa and Equatorial Africa from the Saudi Peninsula where 7 billion cubic feet of natural gas are burned each day, the Sahara desert has moved 200 miles south since 1970 causing the loss of 1,000,000 sq miles of farmland (the US has only 800,000 total). Thus, more people in less area are fighting over less and less. The same general dynamics (more people, less resources) are driving the unrest here which are harbingers of worsening days ahead. (Less resources means higher cost of living with more people fighting over less and less. The extinction of life on earth (ELE) is inevitable.)
In the early 1990's you published a letter of mine in which I said that if we don't want to see more pictures of starving children then we need to stop irresponsibly feeding the current starving babies.I hate being right about things going wrong. Today, the daily pictures of dying babies are more numerous with the venus being deserts and drownings. Mother Nature cannot afford all of us. She is exacting a rising toll. I predict that the environmental collapse from rising CO2 will result in nuclear war within ten years. The Syrian proxy war is a precursor as is China's not wanting everything but just what is next door. 
(Since 1978, everything I have written or researched [30,000 articles] are digitized with a proprietary google-like software that creates 24-variated essays/listings from submitted parameters. What I forgot I can be reminded of when I need it.)
Carbon dioxide is the HIV of earthly existence as it impacts all life and most dynamics. As HIV disrupts the human immune system to handle environmental stress so does CO2 on far greater scale and range: coral reefs dying, blood pressure, etc.  If you want a simple, concise erudition of CO2 impact, read "CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule." (below)  I show how CO2 accounts for fewer, but more powerful hurricanes (2002), earlier, deeper plunging polar blasts (2007), and the AlphaTrifeca, that is, the rise of CO2 is driving the increase in Autism, ADHD, and Alzheimers as well as allergies. Amusingly and ironically, some people think their petrowealth will insure them from CO2-driven environmental and economic chaos. Petrophiliacs ignore the fact that they and their children breathe the same air: Global warming is global drying, global dumbing and global dying (Youtube ... websegment).
I think the accelerating existential meltdown will not reverse. The Trump phenom indicates that people will increasing go with their low information gut reactions like the peoples of war-torn areas. We will have less time to reflect and learn as the daily crises balloon into nuclear mushrooms. It might require a nuclear war to save life on earth from climate change, the Primary Moral Imperative.
If you wonder why I am not part of academia, government or media it is because, as a functioning autistic soul, I don't like people who prefer personal hidden agendas over objective truth, i.e., bureaucratic politics. ADHD is relative. I suffer ASD, that is, attention surplus disorder, wherein people with lower attention spans don't realize they contradict themselves when they forget their comments that passed out of their attention span. They forget they forgot. Recall how many times you said to yourself, "What was I thinking a moment ago?"  I remember what others said and ask about the contradictions which prompts,"Why are you trying to insult me by putting words in my mouth." (The average person per McGill University study has an 8-second attention span today compared to 12-seconds in 2010--the researchers blame advent of "smart phones" for the dumbing down.) Unfortunately for my emotions and sanity, I find myself forced to seek active sharing of information as a matter of self-preservation in my final years.
I enjoin you to do something with the CO2 Killer Molecule article among colleagues in other departments, e.g, science writer. It matters not to me as I approach my eight decade on this planet. As I can enjoy women in both beauty contests and mud-wrestling so can I enjoy humanity striving to survive or igknowantly self-destructing. The failure of humanity to know CO2 as a killer molecule will impact your life for more years than mine. Recognizing in 1968 the inevitable trends now accelerating, I chose to have no kids to worry about. I avoid, for the same reason, making friends so as to not watch personal suffering.
If you do something with it via other staff, I will give RTD an opportunity to have national rights to a piece of software that will generate revenue in the six or seven figures returning a service that left newspapers via the internet. I'd rather the revenue stream support investigative jounalists instead of Wall Street M&M's--mansions and mistresses. (My resume lists a $250,000 income from software I wrote for Blue Cross/Blue Shield in the 1980's.) I don't need the money nor the associated headaches. I have enough pennies to sail into those senior years in which I want a safer, saner, not stormier world. Said another way, don't do anything with this for me, do it for you and yours.
Bob Barnett
P.S. I am not running for Congress, i.e., It is a protective ruse to keep from being kicked about by people who don't like my ideas for which I have suffered in the past. And, if you think I am a liar then you miss the point of how lucky I have been. If you are not interested, no need to respond. Actually, next week I am doing a PR email broadcast to 600 media outlets. I'd rather keep it home which is why you get a headstart de facto right of first refusal. (It is written as a plebiscite for citizens to vote on. It will need reformatting by another.)

People describe and predict climate change, but no one explains the basic process behind all the changes. The common denominator is as simple as the carbonation that makes beer, sodapop, and champagne.

Carbon Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking, Killer Molecule

Summary of essays on climate change since 1982 (Listing)

Rising levels of carbon dioxide are destabilizing all levels of existence on Planet Earth from basic atmospheric physics to mankind's cognitive capacity. Escalating, rapid disasters index a hockey-stick curve of CO2's synergistic acceleration of an existential meltdown of human survival.  

Yes BB Issue/Topic
Hydrophilia: CO2 likes H2O more than H2O likes H2O. That fact is why we have carbonated beverages like beer, champagne and soda pop. One simple fact explains most of the specific dynamic disruptions or disasters. Do you understand this?
Droughts are due to this fact. Increased atmospheric carbonation soaks up water which dries out land as evidenced by all historic and current droughts, i.e., Global Drying begetting Global Dying. TV weatherheads should not say that dry air is preventing upper level moisture from precipitating to the ground. Rather, they should say that human-generated CO2 is soaking up the moisture like a sponge. Ironic is how this drying, dehydrating and dessicating phenomenon is exacted by a molecule which when frozen is called dry ice. (1982) Does this make sense to you?
Disappearing Droughts occur when the source of CO2 stops. The Horn of Africa drought began in 1967. For nine months it disappeared when upwind Saudi Arabia, which daily burns off seven billion cubic of natural gas, cut production by 95% during the OPEC oil embargo of 1973-74. The end of the Dustbowl droughts was due to reduced burning of natural gas at the wellheads, not better farming techniques. (Other examples are listed, e.g, 1990s East Coast droughts.) Barring the El Nino effect, California's drought could end in a few days if it ended its "Drive for Droughts" mania. Do you see a timeline connection between CO2 generation and downwind precipitation?
Deluges and floods result from the "soda bottle shake" of the atmosphere when the carbonation is saturated and agitated, usually downwind from the CO2 source, e.g., California, oil-fields and mega-fires. The atmosphere is a like a battery with CO2 being the charge atom that stores up water for rapid release--see Frequency Resonating Quantums(FRQs). Droughts and deluges destroy the food-chain. They force farmers and families into increasingly crowded villages and cities from which springs the crime and terrorism now plaguing humanity. The epidemic of social, economic and political chaos becomes pandemic. (Please note that El Nino effect is synergistic with the elevated CO2 carbonation of the atmosphere.) (2000) The damage from megafires is nothing compared to the downwind flood damage from CO2-H20 saturated air masses dumping deluges that destroy homes, businesses and infrastructure. Keep in mind how carbonating water does increase its weight but not its volume as the CO2 organizes the haphazard water molecules into efficient structures(FRQs). Oppositely, keep in mind how the height of water in a carbonated beverage does not change as the CO2 dissociates into the air, leaving a liquid that weighs less and is flat to the taste buds. Do you understand how rising CO2 causes increased flooding?
Cloaking water is a heretofore unappreciated clue to atmospheric and climate changes. Can you see carbon dioxide in your drinks? No. Nor can you see either the transparent clusters of CO2/H2O in the atmosphere. But, in a very frequent satellite image, one can see when atmospheric CO2 binds and cloaks water into transparent FRQ clusters: The leading edge of a hurricane. When formed in mid-ocean, cyclonic systems are nice donuts. Upon encountering the CO2-generated domes by human activity at or near coastal regions, the leading edge disappears. The satellite image shows a donut that has had the landward side ripped off, but the water and hurricane forces are still present. (2003) Can you see how CO2 cloaks water by soaking it up into transparent clusters?
Invisible Clouds: Global Warming from rising CO2 levels is explained by cloaking water. Readily recognized is how cloudy nights trap heat while clear nights allow heat radiation into space. What if the higher moisture is present, but is cloaked as CO2/H2O clusters? Heat is trapped by cloaky skies, both day and night. Conversely, the decreasing ratio of clouds to clear sky means that the daily sunlight reflection into space is less. So, between nightly cloaks and daily clears, a double warming whammy is wacking Mother Nature. It has been noted that clouds are higher in the sky, that is, less present in the lower atmosphere. Since CO2 hugs the ground, CO2 cloaking explains fewer lower clouds at the lower altitudes where CO2 sinning is greater. Do you see how the age-old explanation of cloud coverage traps heat is equally true for cloaked-water coverage?
Fusion/Fission best describes the ying-yang of the CO2/H2O love/hate relationship. When generated by fossil fuel fools or petrophiliac oil pumpers, CO2 loves soaking up H2O causing droughts--fusion. When agitated with sudden dissociation and chain reactions, massive and violent winds are generated like the splitting of atoms/FRQs--fission. CO2/H2O fusion/fission explains increased violent atmospheric events, e.g., wind shear, micro-bursts. With fission, the previously compact clusters of 1:34 CO2/H2O molecules initiate a chain reaction in which each molecule wants its own lebensraum. Reflecting a broader bandwidth of dissociation factors due to the variations of particles binding the water, particulated atmospheric water have gentle, gradual precipitation. Oppositely, CO2/H2O clusters have a narrower precipitation bandwidth which means the rain and winds are condensed in a smaller area and timeframe.  This can also be called the Organic Thesis of Atmospheric CO2. (2014) Fission is why hail occurs on hot days as the dissociating CO2 cluster are an expanding gas which drops the temperature like the expanding gas in your home or car air conditioner. Moisture condenses into hail as the temperature drops. Do you see how CO2 atmospheric dynamics are similar to nuclear fusion/fission?
Polar Timebomb describes  a sequence of earlier, deeper and lengthier polar blasts as well as more rapidly disappearing polar ice cap. The CO2-laden jet stream wiggling over the polar regions not only fuses greater amounts of cold or frozen moisture but, thereby, prevents the annual replenishment of the polar ice cap. Due to the greater density of compact CO2/H2O clusters (compared to haphazardly particulated water of clouds), polar blast travel closer to the equator. When the polar ice cap is gone, its demised modulation of heatwaves will result in a massive, unending heatwave that will destroy the foodchain in the Northern Hemisphere with an ELE--extinction level event--within 18 months. (2006) Do you see how worsening winter weather is not a rejection of climate change but is further cause for concern?
CO2/Particulate Ratio: Much advertising proclaims clean natural gas as being better than coal. Such ads are akin to anyone who claims improved health by removing all the bacteria from your intestinal track. As lower prices increase usage of both natural gas and automobile gas in conjunction with closing "dirty" coal plants, the CO2/Particulate ratio in the atmosphere changes. As the ratio rises so will droughts and deluges rise in frequency and size. (2015). Petrophiliacs chanting clean fuel are increasing the frequency of local lottery winners of global warming. As said in my original 1982 paper, "CO2 is a negative cloud seeding agent" (page 7). More CO2 means more droughts and deluges. Furthermore, the few homes destroyed by massive megafires is nothing compared to the downwind millions and billions of dollars in destruction of homes, businesses and infrastructure from CO2-driven deluges. Claims of clean CO2 is like claims of clean HIV.
Hurricane for dummies describes how the CO2/H2O love/hate relationship reduces the formation of hurricanes but magnifies those that do form. Thus, the world sees fewer, but more devastating cyclonic system. Normally, the US East Coast seasonally sees five or more hurricanes. In both 2014 and 2015, there was only one hurricane, each of which was significantly more powerful than the average hurricane. (2002) We need normal hurricane seasons. Any weatherhead or news mediac who cheers "no hurricanes" is not looking at the full, long-term picture: dry wells, famines, riots and revolution. Yes?
Carbonation of the oceans is killing coral as well as many other life forms. Yes?
Bees Dying, Colony Collapse can be ascribed locally to pesticides and globally to to CO2's dessicating hydrophilia. Rising CO2 levels dehydrate bees causing them to either imitate Syrian migrants or succumb to opportunistic diseases. One can see this in one's garden: When I mist in the morning, I have more bees in my garden ( (2007)  People keep dehumidifiers in their basements to reduce insect populations that like moist environment. Yes, I can see how rising levels of CO2 not only causes farmland droughts but insect internal dryness by dessication.
Evolutionary Bias describes how the less evolved species from their origins in the carboniferous period are thriving while more evolve metabolic systems are suffering. Ragweed, poison ivy, kudzu and bedbugs are zooming along. Hardwood trees and hard grains are suffering along with bees and bats. Increased CO2 favors the metabolism most akin to earlier earth environments of higher CO2 levels. This is seen in the oceans with the invertebrates thriving and vertebrates decreasing. Evolutionary bias can be seen within the cells as the ratio of carbohydrates to protein has decreased causing cereal manufacturers to alter their manufacturing processes to account for less of the more evolved metabolic molecule. (2003) Rising CO2 levels increase the impact of mosquitos and viruses: Zika! Yes, maybe ... I hope it is not true.
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny describes how the individual (ontogeny) develops from a simple egg to a complex being that basically reflects the evolutionary journey of the species (phylogeny). Thus, in a human's early uterous development, it goes through the less evolved stages of specie's development. The aforementioned evolutionary bias shows up as faster development of the earlier stages with a lower final maturation level. One can see this in one's garden as plants mature faster but yield less. Or, one can see in the earlier onset of human puberty with a lowering of final maturation. Yes, this may be one of the answers for earlier puberty.
AlphaTrifecta describes the human impact of rising CO2 levels on the most complex metabolic process on Planet Earth, the human brain. Increased CO2 levels effect an increase in autism, ADHD, and alzheimers as well as allergies and asthma from via more primitive pollen/mode plants. Yes, global warming may also be global dumbing. (2003)
Timistic Analysis: (also see True cost of fossil fuel)
  1. In principle, we buy a car to save time and money in traveling for needs and wants.
    1. If the car breaks down frequently, the car's total, final cost increases.
    2. The car repair costs represents a hidden downwind cost which drives up overall cost.
    3. At a certain point of frequent repairs, the car is like a home purchase with an initial fixed rate mortgage that balloons up beyond the buyer's income to pay off the loan.
    4. A cheap car with expensive repairs is like a loan shark who keeps raising the interest rate so the borrower is forever in debt.
  2. In principle, we buy gasoline to save time. If we walk at 5mph, it will take 12 hours to walk 60 miles. But, at 60mph, we cover the distance in 1 hours. The gasoline saves 11 hours.
    1. If the purchased fossil fuel causes money-draining droughts, fires, deluges and floods then the real gasoline costs should include the cost of these disasters along with food inflation from destroyed farms.
    2. The downwind time costs of gasoline are like a home loan with a ballooning mortgage rate.
  3. The purchase price of fossil fuels is a loan downpayment on an adjustable loan with a non-limited interest rate. The final, total cost is the escalating, accelerating damage from the climate change caused by our CO2 sinning. Mother Nature is a loan shark who has no problems fire-bombing, maiming, and killing humans that make loans they should not make.
  4. The 2015 cheap gas prices initiated the numerous violent deluges that cost trillions of dollars throughout the world.
  5. Anyone who claims economic reasons for not legislating lifestyle changes igknows the costly economic destruction wrought by Mother Nature.
  6. A cradle-to-grave analysis of the time-savings of fossil fuels shows we are globally losing more time/wealth than is being saved. The once positive ratio of time savings is now an accelerating negative ratio as we have passed the tipping point. If we have passed the recovery point then it does not matter what we do, but we should change our lifestyles so that if there is enough time left that we use it wisely and timely.
  7. The real cost of anything is the time you work to have the symbols of worktime for your purchases: "Time is money and money is time." If you buy something that causes time-wasting problems then your cost keeps rising, a bad car or a bad marriage. With climate change, fossil fuel costs rise after purchased. The pump price of fuel is a down payment. A gallon of gas is about 10 minutes of average wages. We buy it because it saves us travel time. However, it eventually costs us 100's or 1000's of hours of home and job destruction. Mother Nature is the worse loan shark with time-based interest rates that will kill you.
  8. The generation of time-destroying CO2 is the true cost of anything, anywhere--see Deadly Currency.

In summary, carbon dioxide's hydrophilia is the common denominator to a whole range of disasters on Planet Earth. CO2 is central to all systems, e.g., photosynthesis, blood pressure, maturation, etc. It is the global, multi-tasking killer molecule. If we are to reverse the accelerating, synergistic meltdown of our existence, we must change our lifestyles. This cannot be done without better politics and economics. Otherwise, the demise of the American middle-class will presage chaos from which no concerted action can take place. Like the Syrian refugees, we won't care about climate change as we fight for our next bite of food and sip of water.

A timistic analysis compares apples to apples across the spectrum of existence, that is,
Timism, the Morality of More Time.

The above not only could but should be serialized as well as put on the wire. Otherwise, one will experience YEGO from TMI: Your Eyes Glaze Over from Too Much Information. The co-by-liner can have any fees unless you would take me more seriously if I said I want to get paid. If people understand CO2 as I delineate, they will not want the Dominion gas pipeline which will cause California-type drought, heatwaves and megafires--see My various emails to you on different topics have been to gain tentative credibilty with you. I'll see how successful I have been.