Launching Timism: The Morality of More Time
The Goal? The Primary Moral Imperative
of saving life from climate change.
Date Recipients Focus
160929 Media CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule
161003 Media Brainbees: Finding our Einstein Moments
today Media 529's A Ponzi Scheme of the Rich Free-Loading off the Middle-Clas
Unions/Media Decapitalism: How 401k's are the Biggest, Legal Bank Robbery in History
Media 24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime

Greetings Editorial and Political Staff of Times-Dispatch and Virginia Pilot, 

A Ponzi scheme occurs when the first participants are paid returns by the later participants--no wealth is created only transfered. Of 529 dynamics, if one does a cradle-to-grave analysis of who gets the most benefit and who pays the most, one sees that 529s fit the prior general summary of a Ponzi scheme. Furthermore, 529s are instance of the dog chasing his tail as various schemes to help citizens afford college further fuels the fires of inflation driving up the cost of higher education. Like 410ks, 529s are political Saltwater Solutions, that is, the immediate response is one of relief. However as the years go by the initial thirst quencher is like drinking saltwater, the thirst roars back worse than ever.


  1. The rich pay full tuition when the child is born. Eighteen years later, the child goes to college at nearly two-decade old prices. The monetary difference between then and now is made up by raising tuition on the poor and middle-class who pay as they go. Thus, like the traditional Ponzi scheme the first in get paid by later participants.
  2. The traditional definition of inflation is more money chasing the same goods and services. Anyone thinks all these schemes to help the middle class by grants and exemptions ignores the basic definition of inflation.

    Hillary Clinton's $350 billion college edge package is gasoline for the fires of inflation and fuel for the exploding national debt. And, education will not increase one iota like Obamacare throwing money at healthcare. Putting more money into the buyers' pocket is inflationarily silly when the price solution is increasing the number of providers or efficiency of product delivery.
  3. Furthermore, the muddled-class pays the added bureaucratic costs of managing the various 529 programs. 529 programs are not self-financing. Tax dollars pay for the crony bureaucrats and obnoxious television ads. Anyone who thinks politically appointed cronies out-guess hedge funds and private equity firms is not in their right mind. The muddled-class pays the funding taxes, not the rich, tax-avoiding Trumpees. Adding unneeded middle-men always drives up the price of any goods or services.
  4. Federal Debt means de facto Federal College Loan: Anyone who thinks taking a tax-credit helps a student's education and career igknows how each tax-deficit credit adds to a jumbo student loan called the National Debt to be repaid by the students in the future ... with interest! In other words, the parents are not saving money. Rather, they are borrowing money from the children and grandchildren who they claim they are helping. Because of probable social and economic collapse when the national and state debts are unmanageable, the 529 kids won't have to worry about paying off the debt. Like the jobless Syrian refugees, the 529 co-enabled unemployed or under-employed college students do not and will not worry about either public or private debt.  

    (529s are another way in which parents, politicians and police think they are helping kids by emphasizing play rather than learning, e.g., my kid does not have time for homework because he has sports practice six days a week. All play and no learning makes Jack and Jill boomerrang basement dwellers dependent on their parents. If you want to damn a child to expensive hobbies and past times, enslave them to high-cost sports tickets instead of cheap books, wasted time instead of learning time. Worse than welfare mothers begetting welfare babies is insecure parents trying to relive their failed sports careers through their kids. To wit, I could have been a sports great if someone had given me the time and money. I won't make that mistake with my kids. And, god damn it, they'd better do good or I am going to beat and berate them until they do great. Sports in school is an emotional lottery that is a ticket out of poverty, that is, a round-trip ticket for most even many of the illiterate college grads who sign million-dollar pro contracts. Do parents love a child when they encourage the child to be a dummy risking brain injury or Astro-turf cancer? A parent and child plagued with the play pathos should expect no jobs or retirement when other nations have non-sport education systems where the kids go to school to learn, not to play.)
  5. There is another reason for inflation of higher education which is covered in the forthcoming essay on Decapitalism.
  6. 529s are the nexus of igknowance, stupidity and greed of people who think they can get something-for-nothing but 529s are nothing compared to 401ks: In one generation, the middle-class lost 90% of its retirement. It pursued the sports patho with self, siblings and offspring in the belief that they could get something-for-nothing by playing funny games with funny numbers on funny paper.

Additional information:  Youtube: Eric Cantor as Alien who originated 529 ... webpage


Robert S. Barnett

P.S. The first newspaper, union or school to publish the following essays receives the national long-term brainbee royalties as well as the startup lottery, royalites worth millions.

  1. CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.
  2. SuperBrainbee: Exporting Democracy and Capitalism.
  3. 529s: Ponzi scheme
  4. 401ks: The Biggest Bank Robbery in History,
  5. 24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime.
  6. C.A.
  7. SOL

The newspaper, union or school can bill Timism for the space printed as political advertising. Despite this writer's bad bedside manners, his treatment for our ills is not him but the Tools of Timism for better democracy and capitalism.