401ks: The biggest bank robbery in history
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These are the facts (2013, not updated):
In 1980, the average retiree had almost $300,000 in defined corporate benefits.
The top 1% of America owned about 20% of America's wealth.
The first Bush I initiated the "ownership" society of 401ks whereby workers
received pension money with tax-incentives to invest in Wall Street stocks.
(These tax-incentives, of course, caused the national debt to balloon faster:
Whatever tax-savings the middle-class saved by living beyond our means has
become an out-of-control ticking timebomb.)
In 2000, Bush II made 401ks mandatory and increased options: Increasing the
choice of 401k options is like increasing the number of rapists with the
victim having the choice of whose going to rape them and take their money,
savings and pensions.
In 2013, the average 65 year-old has less than $100,000 in a 401k which is
worth less than $40,000 in 1980 buying power:
The middle-class has lost almost 90% of its retirement funds.
Where did it go? Stock options and IPO's.
In 2013, the top 1% of Americans owned more than 50% of America's wealth
via 401ks transferring wealth through stock options and IPOs.
The absurdities of IPOs is in plain sight with the Twitter IPO:
Lost more than $1 billion since it started.
Has been not only loosing more money each quarter but more losses per revenue
dollar, that is, the more money it takes in the more money it loses.
Wall Street has said that this otherwise bankrupt corporation is worth $10
Prime example of how Wall Street has hijacked the terms and tools of capitalism
to do the opposite, that is, decapitalize production and decapitate jobs.
This is not a Twitter IPO but an insiders' fleecing of American workers.
Workers with 401(k)s are organized financial lemmings.
401ks are a slow, sure death.
Automatic 401(k)s are an automatic tax on wage-earners, an automatic tranfer
of wealth to the wage-takers, another example of wealthfare whereby the money
dictators have habitual polticians legalize illogical laws that are cancerous
to a system.