Details for 1st US National Citizen Legislation

If you have not signed up for a free account (only first 1,000,000 accounts are free, then one hour of wages), you can signup here. The benefits of 24in4, e.g., loan refinancing and community service healthcare are awarded first-come, first-rewarded.

  1. Brainbees Vs. Spelling Bees: Brainbees are like spelling bees. Participants submit a summarized issue (problem definition and solution) with a link to additional information. At the submission deadline, the participants are put in cyber classrooms of seven submitters with classmates ranking the submission in order of preference. The issue with the highest score goes onto the next level. Below are two examples of brainbee uses. The best is the Super-Brainbee: A single webpage to manage all public policy-making processes, anywhere, anyplace and anytime.
  2. Civil Trinity Benefits and Plan: Provided by citizen fulfilling their community service for healthcare costs.
    Every public school, every fire station and every police precinct should have a candidate for its General Assembly delegate and senator!
    If each school, firestation and precinct employee contacts 12 voters in 60 to 90 minutes, that will be a great vote for 24in4! This is overall effort is about the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change. It cannot happen without a solid, firm, viable Civil Trinity, the core of civilization.
    1. Educators: Plethora of aides and tutors ... 4-day flipflop workweek (MTWT ... TWTF)--two monthly four-day weekends.
    2. Police: Elementary police units in all elementary schools consisting of on-going staff of four citizens who work 8-hour week. Staggered shifts. Vests, but no guns. Community policing at its best. First responded when deemed by police headquarters to be elementary, petty crime.
    3. Firemen: Broader volunteer fire assistance. Standard professional 24-hour shifts with three 8-hour shifts for internet trained and tested volunteers.
    4. Newspaper: Ibid., all.

      Be sure to endow your system so your associates credit your system for the signup bonus. Otherwise, an individual may garner the lifehour credits.

OneTyme, Future Brainbees (visit application)

  1. Columnists can have readers prioritize their feedback rather than run-on rants.
  2. Speakers (police, educators, politicians, etc. can have audiences prioritize questions rather than free-for-ball mob riots.
  3. JobTime: Let the jobseeks prioritize applicants thus saving hiring costs and educating applicants to their competitors' qualifications. (Timism will receive a 1% finders fee, far less than what headhunters charge.)
  4. MarketTime: Let product reviewers prioritize pros and cons--another cash source for Timism.
  5. Political appointees instead of unqualified campaign workers.

Letter to Civil Trinity: For use by School Superintendents, Police Chiefs and Fire Chiefs
From: Superintenent, etc.
Date: ???

Dear Teacher, Policeman, Fireman (choose one),

Please visit and sign up for free. Then visit ?? for instructions on completing one petition signature sheet for your principal/precinct commanneras a Senator.

Have it notarized and delivered to the candidate by 5pm, June 13, 2017. Beyond the benefits of 24in4 generate many trained assistant for our work, each successful ballot completion will yield 1000 lifehour credits for division among the petition collectors and 1,000 lifehours for the school, precinct or firehouse. The school district, police department and fire departmetn will receive 1,000 lifehour credits for each member that earns a ballot entry.



Below is a listing of the schools/precinct/firehouse leaders petitions:

(format: Location,Office, District,Name, Address,Zip,

  • School, Principal, Senator, District#, address, zip
  • School, Asst. Principal, Delegate, District#,
  • Precinct #, Commander, Senator, District#, address, zip
  • Precinct #, Asst. Commander, Delegate, District#, Asst. Principal
  • Firehouse#, Chief, Senator, District#, address, zip
  • Firehouse#, Asst. Chief, Delegate, District#, Asst. Principal

VoteTime: Websegment

  1. A simple, universal, quality-controlled vote counting system using any old Windows computer (5 million trashed each month), any old printer, and any old scanner.
  2. Print/mark ballot at home.
  3. Prints vote receipt for voter to check votes on-line.
  4. Home printed ballots QC'd later by high speed scanner  to electonic tally comparison.
  5. Lifehour 'lottery' awards for random winner at elementary(10), district (100), state(1,000) and national (10,000) levels.
  6. Simplicity and quickness reduces number of polling places to elementary schools.
  7. No need to spend $13 to $15 billion to replace voting machines purchased after 2000 election debacle.
  8. Will work in any nation--part of Timism goal to export democracy.
  9. Websegment.
  10. Brainbee for programmers to migrate to cloud to be announced on 1,000,000 lifehours for seven programmers.