Editorial Staff, Richmond Times Dispatch
Lisa Roberts, Account Executive

Re: Kindling for your fireplace


Attached is treatise that I intend to publish as a political ad in the Times-Dispatch. Per the advertising department I was told it must pass muster of the editorial staff and publisher. I forwarding one also to the latter.

I expect it to cost me $16k to publish it. Inasmuch as I intend to leave my petite estate to the Veterans Affair Volunteer services, it matters more that I might try to affect change for the better before I die.

The issue of 401ks being the biggest bank robbery in history will become the dominant issue in the last month of this fiasco called a Presidential election. You are a victim of it personally and professionally.

This issue is contentious: My on-street protests haver resulted in others calling police with the claim I am a terrorist. The police sargeant looked at the sign and said, "You are not a terrorist. You are exercising your constitutional right. Good luck."

Tomorrow or the next day, I will launch my on-line marketing of Timism, etc.


Bob Barnett