Alfred Durham
Chief of Police
200 W. Grace St
Richmond, VA 23220

Dear Chief Durham,

One way to reduce big crime is to enforce petty crimes. When people are allowed to park the wrong way, leave junk on the street, park on curbs, leave super-cans on the street, etc., it causes a ghetto and bend-the-law attitude in too many people.  Grandpa said "take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." Likewise, enforce the minor laws for fewer major law-breakers.

My house and I have been on TV and in the Washington Post. I have lived in my house since 1979 with a sad awareness of the neighborhood going downhill. The final decline (which prompted this letter) is a new neighbor in a house that was vacant for 25 years. The two young doctors think they are above the law and above common decency. They have done massive renovation on weekends with no building permits. (That is why I was downtown at the time of the "sanctuary city protest' and caught you on the corner with the joke to the motorcyle policeman, "Is this man bothering you?" to which you responded "Are you going to make a citizen arrest." We all laughed.)

In early April, one of the doctors who had been repeatedly nasty and disrespectful called over the fence, "Can I borrow an adjustable wrench?" I have long had a policy of if you need a wrench, ask me, and put it on back porch when done. I gave him a crescent wrench. About an hour later, my wife said she was surprised by the neighbor (Adam Goodreau, 303 Bland) in the toolroom. Boy, that is ballsy. She said that he said I had told him to help himself. Never for anyone. Never. Some tools are missing.

Enclosed are pictures of how they are violating various ordinances. They let their barking dog out during the night which is below my bedroom window. It barks consistently which wakes me up. I have call 646-5100 to complain.

I think it would do a world of good if an officer ticketed the neighbors wrongly parked cars, the junk filled utility trailor, and the unmoved super-cans. If the utility trailor was not parked 24/7 then the creek road (Bland St) would be two lanes. As is, it is constant eyessore limiting travel to one-lane. It is a safety hazard. Of the wrongly parked cars, I have had people ask me when walking if Bland is a one-way street.

On a more general level, consider having a "minor law of the week" focus with media attention, e.g., parking on curbs. I will give you a unique internet app (Brainbee) to let the citizens prioritize the law to be enforced. Parts of Semmes avenue looks like a pig wallow. Don't warn people which requires repeat visit. A one-time ticket is better. Have each officer write two tickets for the petty crimes during a shift. The media will interview petty offenders which will get the message out.


Robert "Bob" Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
804 233-7541