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Takes 90 seconds and you receive 5 shares of Timism, Inc., worth $125 IPO,

and a password worth thousands more. Get a nestegg to pay off loans.

Timism: The Morality of More Time

Time is the thread in the fabric of life.

Living beyond your means lessens your means: UB meaningless.

Living within your means creates more means: UB meaningful.

Meaning of life: Be a Timeful Creator not a Timeless Cancer.

To be meaningful, question your values and actions to avoid being

doomed to repeat your time-wasting, means-murdering mistakes.

Meaningless menials become meanies.

Time and means are one-and-the-same.

More means means more time, more freedom and more morality.

To be happy with more means, time, freedom and friends,

live like a baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions from bad values.

Morality without practicality is immoral.

Visions without a road map are stop signs.

Timism's road maps stretch over the horizon.

Our Climate Hell:

Climate Cancers, Climate Criminals, & Climate Lemmings

On a sinking ship: Apathy is suicide, cheerleading play is homicide,

and preaching igknowance is genocide.

[The linear speed of light is an epiphenomenon of the rotational speed

and precession angle of the smallest particle, thus, E=MCC=hf.]

Optimists Opt for Timism.

Copyright Robert S. Barnett

Share Job Time or Jobless Crime

By better employing our human potential,

we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years

with more funds and fun in a safer, saner world

for self, family and community.


1. Refinance all loans to zero-interest: Student, cars, credit cards, etc.

2. Healthcare via needed, quantifiable community service.

We Can! We Must! and Why!

The Primary Moral Imperative: Save life on Earth from climate hell

and from the accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown.

We have developed a worsening two-tier master-slave economy.

90% of grads depend on parents for part or all of living expenses.

50% of grads will never work in their 4-year field of study.

Middle-class is disappearing. Retirement is fading.

Do you want to work more-and-more for less-and-less?

In 1900, the average person worked 75 hours per week.

By 1930, the workweek had dropped to near 40 hours.

What stopped an ever-shorter, better workweek?

Time-savings technology was converted into

un-, under- and mis-employment also known

as homelessness, terrorism and wars,

not a shorter workweek.

The solution and your salvation:


Please do not ask questions if you have not signed up at

Takes 90 seconds and your receive 5 shares of Timism, Inc., worth $125 IPO,

and a password worth thousands more. Get a nestegg to pay off loans.



Which acquires Timism's Center For Brainbees

(Vote at

Examples of Brainbee usage:

  1. Monthly Citizen Legislation at Federal, State and local levels
  2. People Primaries: Zero-Cost primaries without money dictators or subjective biases.
  3. Civility Brainbees to stop public meetings becoming riots and to improves seminars.

University benefits:

How to create a new political party using an internet start-up model
giving $10 to $15 billion in shares directly to the middle-class.

Business Model: Which would be a greater legacy?

1. Fund a foundation of which few know except for self-promotional TV ads.


2. Allocate share ownership to individuals and organizations who help.

Promote the Primary Moral Imperative to reverse climate change.

Promote 24in4 workweek of meaningful jobs with guaranteed healthcare.

Promote Tools of Timism for better democracy and capitalism.

(Gratis shares anticipated to be granted to supporters: 400 to 600 million)

Signup at

Mental Sponge of Timism