Mike Bloomberg
Presidential Candidate 2020
229 West 43rd Street
New York, New York 10036

(Climate Change specialist on staff)

For link review, visit Timism.com/Media/2020/BloombergOffer20Feb22.htm

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I would like to help you defeat Trump. I have several newsworthy gifts. You have rights of first refusal. The first gift is about climate change. In order to be taken seriously, here is a summary of my qualifications.
Mental Sponge
I graduated from the largest Illinois university cum laude in two years (transcript, 29,000 students). I ace'd 24 credit hours in one semester of seven classes. As an overload, a year of pre-med organic chemistry was completed in two months. In the US Navy, I scored a record high on the electronic comprehensive final exam. My resume and achievements list numerous, diverse success stories. When I became successful in a new area, I became bored and moved on. Based on my background in electricity/electronics and chemistry, my approach to atmospheric dynamics is electro-chemical, not computer modeling. The latter merely predicts while the Timistic approach explains and predicts

The following summarizes how CO2 is causing our worsening climate hell. I hope you have someone on your staff with sufficient integrity of intellect and intelligence to forward it to you to read. I am available to join you on your hopscotching around the country to answer your questions.

Carbon Dioxide: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule (full text)
In graduate school my hobby was the metabolic behavior of CO2. In the early 1980s, the media focus of rising CO2 levels was global warming. Wrong focus. My 1982 essay stated that the more immediate suffering would be precipitation changes. Droughts/deluges cause social, economic and political chaos. The new normal. The number of climate change refugees in the last year has doubled to over 100 million. Every war since 1970 has been a climate change driven war. Climate hell is the global underlying cause of inflation as well as un-, under- and mis-employment which begets civil chaos.

Understanding CO2's hydrophilia (how CO2 likes water more than water likes itself) is the thread in fabricating how CO2 clothes life on earth in worsening shades of gray. The CO2 Killer essay explains its fatal impact on all levels of existence. In 2001, the worsening Australian fires were predicted based on its energy policy.

Supportive essays expanded on the hydrophilia/dessication property of CO2, e.g., Hurricanes for Dummies, Polar Time Bomb, Bees Dying and the AlphaTrifecta. The latter explains how rising CO2 levels are behind rising rates of autism, ADHD and Altzheimers as well as allergies and asthma. Most climate researchers focus on one aspect. The CO2 Killer summary unites the spectrum of CO2 changes around one common factor: hydrophilia. For more than 15 examples of CO2-driven historic droughts/deluges, see Global Dying.

It is not enough to describe what is wrong. I have created the tools to organize and motivate people for the Primary Moral Imperative, that is, saving life on Planet Earth from climate hell. The tools? Better democracy and capitalism via brainbees and lifehours.


Global Dying and Climate Hell: Droughts, Deluges and Floods (partial record, last 100 years)
A major web section of Timism.com is Global Dying that explains and lists Carbon Dioxide "hot spots" which
  1. cause droughts as a result of CO2 soaking up water (hydrophilia/dessication), and,
  2. cause downwind deluges and floods (aka soda bottle shake).
CO2 hot spots: Oil fields and California.
US Dustbowl #1 1933-1940
US Dustbowl #2 1950-1957
*East Africa 1967
West Africa 1970s+
Alaska 1970s+
China/Korea 1997
Canada 1999
US Dustbowl #3 1999
US Southeast 1999
Brazil/Amazon Forest 1998
Australia 2001 onward
Russia 2010
Amazon Fires 2019
2020 Details

*For the OPEC 9 month embargo (1973-1974) with 95% drop in upwind oil pumping, the drought went away.

Importantly, forest fire hot spots may destroy millions in property damage but the downwind deluges cause billions in property and infrastructure losses.

Mayor Bloomberg, these are two gifts which are nothing compared to other gifts to defeat Trump. Ideas, not soundbytes, are needed to defeat Trump. You will never meet a person like me for two reasons.

  1. One is my aforementiond raw brain power--Ace'd 24 credit hours in one semester at the largest Illinois university (29,000 students).
  2. The other is my intellectual passion/obsession for the last half-century--Timism: The Morality of More Time. It is more than a TOE--Theory of everything. It has a collection of derived tools to promote better democracy. Complement your spending with the next social media: brainbees.

These tracts will help your election if you publish them in USA Today, etc.

  1. Global Dying and Climate Hell
  2. CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule

Publish these Timism tracts, and you won't be "under fire for using 'snazzy ads' on a weak climate plan." I have 40 years of thinking about what needs to be done: 24in4 as a pre-amble to the Manheaven Project [a bad name, too late to change]. As said elsewhere, you are making policy promises that Mother Nature will revoke. I don't know everything but I do know what needs to be done to reverse climate change. I can give you guardrails for your ads from physics to morality.

I am willing to work with your climate change expert to edit the text. Again, I hope you have someone who is smart enough to recognize this gift.

Please respond. Otherwise, given the PMI, I must approach another candidate.


Robert S. Barnett
Richmond, Virginia
demcapu@comcast.net (804-801-2130, text only)

P.S. I wanted you to run in 2016 as part of my dream team. And, I wanted you to finance "Elementary Democracy" as part of your $200 million new civic organization initiative.