Campaign Idea Offerings
Ideas for brainbees ads and talking points, see below.

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You need a shift in your marketing strategy. You are producing snazzy soundbytes that differ little from the other candidates. Need to tackle key issues head-on in economics, politics and environment

These gratis ideas can be used for tv, mailers, speeches and debates. For tv:

  1. No Props.
  2. Stark, black and white.
  3. Side scrolling of text as you look into the camera, voicing the text.
  4. Each one has a unique, eye-opening statement.

Table of Contents Ideas for Ads and Talking Points

  1. Initial Press Release: Lending money to jumpstart college competition of tools for better democracy.
  2. Brainbees: Index of essays
    1. Details
    2. Citizen Legislation Offer
    3. Peoples' Primary: Female VP & Chief of Staff
    4. Other brainbees
  3. Capitalism
    1. Capitalism is a victim of identity theft
    2. 401ks: The biggest bank robbery in history
  4. Climate Chaos
    1. Primary Moral Imperative: Save life on Planet Earth from Climate Chaos
    2. CO2 Hotspots of Global Dying: Droughts, Deluges and Flood
    3. CO2: Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule
    4. Petrophiliacs: Loving Oil Even If It Kills Us
    5. Global Warming Test
  5. Economics
    1. 24in4: A Silver Bullet for many social problems
    2. Dis-employment: Un-, Under- and Mis-employment
    3. Job Demagogues:
    4. Lifehours: A New, Needed Cyber-currency tied the time created by solving problems
  6. Politics
    1. Term Limits and Habitual Politicians
    2. Peoples Primaries
    3. Staggered Elections
    4. Women 50/50
  7. Tax Reform
    1. Profit-sharing taxation
    2. Product transaction tax
  8. Values
    1. Priorities: Defeat Trump? Save Democracy? No.
    2. Visions are like opinions. Everyone has one.
  9. VoteTime--a simple, voting process using old computers and scanners that will save money and time.
  10. Bob Barnett
    1. Mental Sponge ... Asperger Autist
    2. Intelligence Depth
      1. Writings
      2. Lifehours: Currency Reform Application
      3. Climate Chaos:
        1. CO2: Killer Molecule
        2. CO2 Hotspots: Droughts with downwind deluges
        3. Essays
      4. Brainbees: Democracy Reform Application
    3. Timism: Morality of More Time
  11. Soundbytes

Topics (top)

  1. Initial Press Release: Lending money to jumpstart college competition of tools for better democracy. (top)
    I am lending money to formally launch Brainbees, a new social mediat to tap our intelligence to find our Einstein Moments to solve our biggest problems that affect the most people.  The lent money will also be used to fund a competition between unversities for supporting features of brainbees. [Mr. Steyer You will have 20 adlines which the software will rotate thru and repeat.]

  2. Brainbees (top)
    1. Details
    2. Citizen Legislation Offer: I am offering $1,000,000 to be split among the 7 finalists of the first national Citizen Legislation brainbee of one million submitters. Thereafter, monthly citizen legislation will be the norm at the national, state and local levels.
    3. Peoples' Primary: VP, Office Manager
      1. If I am the Democratic nominee for President, I will have the first female Vice-President who will succeed me after two years (see Peoples' Primary). I am running to defeat Donald Trump, not to be a 4-year or 8-year President.
      2. My  office manager will be the male national winner of the Peoples' Primary.
      3. [Mr. Steyer, I believe the female Presidential candidates who do not make the cut will throw their support behind you in order participate in this female VP brainbee primary, plus if a brokered convention.]
    4. Other brainbees:
      1. Department secretaries and appointees
      2. Ambassadorships
      3. Judicial Appointees
      4. Pardons
      5. JobTime
  3. Capitalism (top)
    1. Capitalism is a victim of identity theft (top)
      In debates, ads and mailings, you need to enlighten voters with the following distinction.

      Capitalism is a victim of identity theft. Wall Street banks hijacked the terms and tools of capitalism to decapitalize production and decapitate jobs. Wall Street is not the center of capitalism but of decapitalism.

      Capitalism rewards problem-solvers for using their capita (heads) to solve problems. Decapitalists rob workers with the defense, "And, it is legal." Capitalism is nowhere near the scene where the American dream and middle-class were mangled into a nightmare of job losses and opiate addiction.

      I am a capitalist--I created jobs and wealth for many people. As the head of the largest financial information company, I know what needs to be done to stop decapitalism. As President, I will end Wall Street decapitalism.

    2. 401ks: The biggest bank robbery in history (top)
      In 1980, the average retiree had almost $300,000 in corporate benefits. And the top 2% owned only 20% of America's wealth. By 2013, the average worker had only $100,000 in a 401k which was only $30,000 in 1980 buying power. But, the top 2% owned over 50% of America's wealth. By 2013, the American worker lost 90% of their retirement thru 401ks.

      How did this happen? Stock options and IPOs! Insiders self-counterfeit huge amounts of stocks which they then sell into 401ks. Stock options are the death certificates of the American Dream. As President, I will organize American workers to demand that Congress reform 401ks to create jobs, not decapitalize and destroy them.

  4. Climate Chaos (top)
    1. Primary Moral Imperative: Save life on Planet Earth from Climate Chaos (top)
      "We have a Primary Moral Imperative to save life on Planet Earth from climate chaos. We are in an accelerating existential meltdown. Climate change drives global inflation and unemployment that fuels civil unrest. Every war since 1970 has been a climate change war. We are winning some battles but losing the war of saving Planet Earth. As President, my number one priority will be the Primary Moral Imperative as a litmus test for all policies."
    2. CO2 Hotspots of Global Dying: Droughts, Deluges and Floods (partial record, last 100 years) (top)
      A major web section of is Global Dying that explains and lists Carbon Dioxide "hot spots" which
      1. cause droughts as a result of CO2 soaking up water (hydrophilia/dessication), and,
      2. cause downwind deluges and floods (aka soda bottle shake).
      CO2 hot spots: Oil fields and California.
      US Dustbowl #1 1933-1940
      US Dustbowl #2 1950-1957
      *East Africa 1967
      West Africa 1970s+
      Alaska 1970s+
      China/Korea 1997
      Canada 1999
      US Dustbowl #3 1999
      US Southeast 1999
      Brazil/Amazon Forest 1998
      Australia 2001 onward
      Russia 2010
      Amazon Fires 2019
      2020 Details

      *For the OPEC 9 month embargo (1973-1974) with 95% drop in upwind oil pumping, the drought went away.

      Importantly, forest fire hot spots may destroy millions in property damage but the downwind deluges cause billions in property and infrastructure losses.

    3. CO2: Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule (full text) (top)
      In graduate school my hobby was the metabolic behavior of CO2. In the early 1980s, the media focus of rising CO2 levels was global warming. Wrong focus. My 1982 essay stated that the more immediate suffering would be precipitation changes (droughts/deluges) causing social, economic and political chaos. The new normal. The number of climate change refugees in the last year has doubled to over 100 million. Every war since 1970 has been a climate change driven war. Climate hell is the global underlying cause of inflation as well as un-, under- and mis-employment which begets civil chaos.

      Understanding CO2's hydrophilia (how CO2 likes water more than water likes itself) is the thread in fabricating how CO2 clothes life on earth in worsening shades of gray. The CO2 Killer essay explains its fatal impact on all levels of existence. In 2001, the worsening Australian fires were predicted based on its energy policy.

      Supportive essays expanded on the hydrophilia/dessication property of CO2, e.g., Hurricanes for Dummies, Polar Time Bomb, Bees Dying and the AlphaTrifecta. The latter explains how rising CO2 levels are behind rising rates of autism, ADHD and Altzheimers as well as allergies and asthma. Most climate researchers focus on one aspect. The CO2 Killer summary unites the spectrum of CO2 changes around one common factor: hydrophilia. For more than 15 examples of CO2-driven historic droughts/deluges, see Global Dying.

      It is not enough to describe what is wrong. I have created the tools to organize and motivate people for the Primary Moral Imperative, that is, saving life on Planet Earth from climate hell. The tools? Better democracy and capitalism via brainbees and lifehours.

      On a sinking ship, apathy is suicide ... cheerleading play is homicide ... preaching igknowance is genocide.

    4. Petrophiliacs: Loving Oil Even If It Kills Us (top)
      Pedophilia: "Sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object."
      Petrophilia: "Social perversion in which civilization is misinformed, raped and destroyed for petro wealth"
      ( youtube video)
    5. Global Warming Test (top)

  5. Economics (top)
    1. 24in4: (top)
      In the face of time-saving technology or time-destroying disasters, we should adjust the workweek to ensure full employment. Either we share job time or share jobless crime. By better employing our human resources, we could have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years for more funds and fun for self, family and community in a safer, saner world. (Preface to Manheaven Project)
      1. Every economy has an optimal workweek length--it is not 40-hours.
      2. In 1900, the average workweek was over 70 hours before becoming about 44 hours in 1930 as workers demanded more freetime rather than money. (As shown since the 1600's shipyard strikes in New England, the money followed the shorter workweek.)
      3. Since the 1930s Depression, the time-savings of new technology has not been converted into a shorter workweek but into un-, under- and mis-employment (the dis-employed)
      4. "Idle minds are the workshop of the devil" which explains rising crime with rising employment.
      5. "Adled minds are the wasteshops of the streetwalking academic devils--economists."
      6. Any worker working more than the optimal workweek is a worker working for the food, clothing and housing of dis-employed.
      7. Job hogs are job fools.
      8. The Great Depression's 25% unemployment would never have happened if the workweek had been gradually reduced to keep unemployment below 5%. Nor would we have the welfare state.
      9. To prevent the on-going, escalating civil strife and terrorism from dis-employment which will prevent the PMI (refugees care about today's food, not the future), we need 24in4: Share job time or jobless crime. 
    2. Dis-employment: Un-, Under- and Mis-employment Dis-employment (top)

    3. Job Demagogues (top)
      A Job Demagogue is a public speaker who igknows
      1. the accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown, and,
      2. the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth

      to buy votes by indirectly proposing more greenhouse gases that come with more jobs. Every job has a CO2-generation contribution to climate chaos.

      Beware of making promises that Mother Nature will revoke.

    4. Lifehours (index) (top)
      A New, Needed Cyber-currency tied to the time created by solving problems
  6. Politics (top)
    1. Term limits and habitual politicians. (top)

      We need term limits to stop habitual problems from habitual politcians. In times of worsening habitual problems, the only thing worse than not voting is voting for a habitual politician. We need new faces for old problems. When politicians make good policies then the polity in the polis will be polite without police.[Geo. W. Bush and Al Gore were not habitual politicians since their fathers were habitual politicians which makes them sons of habitual politicians.]
    2. People Primaries (top)
      How to defeat the habitual politcians: To participate visit webpage.
    3. Staggered Elections (top)
      End election-year, do-nothing jerks in the economy. Elect one Senator every six weeks. Elect four Congressmen every week. Use brainbees to find the final two candidates. No outside money. Limit on advertisement. Term limits. Women 50/50 observed.
    4. Women50/50 (top)
      All public elected and appointed positions have a rotating male/female cycle with the newly elected official becoming the junior member to learn the ropes before promotion to senior position due to term limits. Gender specific voting, that is, only women can vote for women and only men can vote for men.
  7. Tax Reform (top)
    1. Profit-sharing taxation: Observe level rights, that is, apportion tax returns to the level of human organization in which the problems originate which is the best, most efficient level in which to economically solve the problems.
    2. Product transaction tax: Tax all exchanges of value a percentage of the umbrella of safety costs upon which all transactions depend.
  8. Values (top)
    1. Priorities: Defeat Donald Trump? Save Democracy? No. (top)
      1. The #1 priority is the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from climate chaos. The first two are necessary for the latter.
      2. At some point--if subordinates do not deep-six my gifts before you are able to review them--you will realize that I can be your Fort Knox of policy do's and don'ts using Timism as the heuristic clutter-cutter.
      3. At our ages--I am in my eighth decade--we are more concerned with leaving a legacy that is a chapter in history rather than a footnote in some forgotten business classroom book.
      4. Timism can leverage your legacy.
    2. Visions are like opinions. Everyone has one. (top)

      Visions without roadmaps are stopsigns. If you look at my opponents' visions, you see they have no roadmaps nor money to build their roads. And, they have no history of creating roadmaps. As a businessman, I have had many visions that stretched beyond the horizon with no stopsigns on the roads to our future.
  9. VoteTime--a simple, voting process using old computers and scanners that will save money and time. (top)

    You will be able to print out your ballot at home whereby you will be able to quickly have your ballot scanned. There will be no long lines. And, a reward will be given to the precinct, district, state and national winners.
  10. Bob Barnett (top)
    1. `Mental Sponge: Asperger Autist (top)
      Timism's originator graduated from the largest Illinois university cum laude in two years (transcript). He ace'd 24 credit hours in one semester of seven classes. As an overload, a year of pre-med organic chemistry was completed in two months. In the US Navy, he scored a record high on the electronic comprehensive final exam. His resume and achievements list numerous, diverse success stories. My references are unique, especially the last one. When he became successful in a new area, he became bored and moved on. Based on his background in electricity/electronics and chemistry, his approach to understanding atmospheric dynamics is electro-chemical, not computer modeling. The latter merely predicts while the Timistic approach explains and predicts. See CO2 Hotspots: History of Droughts and Deluges over 100 years, and, CO2: The Global, Multi-tasking Killer Molecule.

      My social activism extends years before my first media coverage 1982. You have not heard of me for the simple reason that I am a loner, an asperger autist. My research and software are yours if you want to be the front man for the ideas needed for better democracy and capitalism to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from climate chaos.

    2. Intelligence Depth (top)
      1. Writings
      2. Lifehours: Currency Reform Application
      3. Climate Chaos:
        1. CO2: Killer Molecule
        2. CO2 Hotspots: Droughts with downwind deluges
        3. Essays
      4. Brainbees: Democracy Reform Application

    3. Timism: Morality of More Time (top)

      A Theory Of Everything (TOE) based on quantifying time in each event/entity
      1. Duration
      2. Impact

  11. Soundbytes: