The mailing address is:

Travel Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10036


The Travel Section will not publish articles that grow out of trips paid for or in any way subsidized by an airline, hotel, tourist board or other organization with an interest, direct or indirect, in the subject of an article.

We buy all rights to articles and will not purchase a piece that has been published elsewhere. The date of the trip on which an article or query is based should be given on a separate line at the top of the manuscript. A brief resume should accompany both articles and proposals. No submission should exceed 1,500 words. Backpage essays should be between 1,200 and 1,400 words.

Because of the volume of submissions, the Travel section regrets that it cannot acknowledge or return unsolicited manuscripts or article proposals. If a manuscript is being considered for publication, the writer will be informed within two weeks. Writers should not inclue photographs.

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