Based on previous logs, if I did not take the methylphenidate I would be nodding off more often and longer. Sunday May 5, 2002: 180 21:00-24:00 pm sleep with 5mg Ambien Monday May 6, 2002 9 01:50-01:59am catnapped 8 03:45-03:53am catnapped 210 05:15-08:45am slept 12 09:33-09:45am catnapped 09:45 took methylphenidate, 10mg 6 10:52-10:58am catnapped 8 11:12-11:20am catnapped 11:25 cigarette 11:40 coffee 12:10-Observation/Conclusion: In regards to cheap narcolepsy and insomnia treatments and the request for an expensive sleep study which Blue Cross/Blue Shield will not cover, I feel like the cancer patient in pain who will not get a painkiller because he can not and his insurance will not pick up the cost of expensive treatment. Needing to sleep and work--and not being able to do either--is painful. 12:28 First time felt awake and not drowsy. Alert. 13:20 Drowsy, smoke small cigar 13:40 2 liter mountain dew start 11 15:48-15:59 catnap 16:47-18:10 Walk 19:00-drowsy, cup of coffee, walk around block 21:40-ambien 5mg May 7=========== 210 01:10 woke up (went to bed at 21:40) 125 02:05-04:10 Sleep 08:00 Methylphenidate 10mg 5 08:30-8:35 catnap 08:36 walk and cigar 08:50 Mountain Dew 2-liter 25 09:32-9:57 catnap, snoring woke me 10:40 First time felt alert 10 11:18-11:28 catnap 11:29 walk 9 13:10-13:19 catnap 8 15:27-15:33 catnap 10 19:02-19:12 catnap 30 22:10-22:40 bed with Ambine, woke up 150 23:15-01:40 woke up May 8 5 04:50-4:55 slept 07:00 coffee 08:30 methylphenidate 10mg 08:40 cigar & walk 5 09:05-09:10 catnap 08:55 Mountain dew 2 liters 09:23-10:10 Walk to wake up 45 10:20-11:05 Nap, deep sleep 42 13:23-14:05 down 17 15:32-15:49 down 15:50 cigar 10 17:15-17:25 catnap 15 19:10-19-25 catnap 20:20 ambien May 9 04:40 woke up 06:53 nap