Dear Dr. Abouhasira,

The reason that I canceled the June 13, 2011, appointment was several-fold.

  1. Receiving a phone call in which I am told that I have an appointment to discuss my "issues" is demeaning and insulting. I thought the V.A. was providing me healthcare planning not "issue" discussion.
  2. You are aware of the failure of the blood clinic to provide me professional service as prescribed by V.A. regulations and federal law as well as the way that a blood-drawer rudely treated me in the V.A. store.
  3. My primary health problem is the narcolepsy. The harder I work at computer programming, the sooner I fall asleep. It is a Catch-22. I can stay awake if I don't try to work but will fall asleep at a rate based on how hard I try to work. I am unable to program because I cannot stay alert long enough to resolve computer bugs. Each time I fall asleep, I must refresh my memory on what I was programming. I feel like Sysiphus rolling the stone up the hill only to have it roll down each time I reach the top. I requested an alternative medication that has historically treated narcolepsy and that I used prior to returning to the V.A., but you turned it down. Thus, I cannot see using you as a primary care physician. My choices are:
    1. Outside medical service for which the V.A. will one day have to pay as I intend litigation of my various "issues."
    2. On-line pharmacy purchases at astronomical costs with purity uncertainty.
    3. Street purchases of homemade generic equivalents, e.g., crack, coke or meth. If I get arrested, I will tell the judge how the V.A. won't treat my narcolepsy.
    4. Stop working on timism.com.
  4. An additional V.A. failure was my last visit to the optical department wherefrom I purchased glasses through which I could not see and which efforts to adapt resulted in headaches. Using the prescription to buy outside glasses had the same results.

Other than emergencies, I don't see how the V.A. can help me with my health issues. As is without legal clarification, it is safer and cheaper for me to avoid the V.A.

As to timism.com, I last gave you two slideshows on global warming and re-timing physics, enclosed are a few more. If you have any understanding of global warming, you should see the import of my efforts. By not helping me to stay optimally healthy in alertness and visualness, you have delayed, if not terminated, my efforts to share how the organic properties of CO2 account for the accelerating climate changes and contradictions. If I am right, the V.A. failures hurt more than myself.

I would not be surprised if I was put on your "threat" watch list. My anger at the V.A. does not require my "going postal." By my not sharing what I know about global warming I am more harmful than any gun-toting veteran. Review the enclosed CD to see how global climate change is going to destroy the foodchain in the next few years with a 90% human die-off by 2015. If you think the recent 2011 weather disasters have been bad, they are nothing compared to the coming winners in the lottery of global dying.

Evil triumphs when good men don't act. By my not acting to share how to reverse global dying, the evil of the latter will be visited upon you and yours. Why won't I act? The V.A. has medically castrated my thinking and has emotionally castrated my caring. All my life I have resented being treated like shit which is what I feel like when I think of the last few years at the V.A.

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