Dear Dr. Abouhasira,

First of all, thank you for renewing the prescription for the Modifinil. As noted in the accompanying request, it has a strange effect.

I have received a notice for jury duty. With my narcolepsy, alone, I do not feel that I am competent to be a good jurist. Compounding my hesitation is my trying to launch timism.com. I cannot risk being on a jury for a long time. I have been on juries before. Would you kindly write a note indicating that the modifinil is prescribed for my narcolepsy? (An envelope is provided.)

Of my leg pains, I hope it is arthritis. The pain is the worst that I can recall ever in my life. It is a #10 on a 10 scale--it feels like someone is running a knife up my leg from my calf to my thigh on the right side. It occurs anytime that I sit for more than 15 minutes, and, it occurs every night, waking me up more than once. I have to get up and walk around until it goes away. Strange that inactivity potentiates it while activity lessens it. I try to walk slowly in a normal pattern rather than a hobble or limp so as not to develop a stepping pattern that stresses my skeleton in other ways with new pains.

This is one of the reasons, now, why I am more narcoleptic than ever because I don't get good sleep at night. I avoid taking the prescribed pain medicine because it makes me drowsy and I want/need to work on launching my website. The world situation is bleaker and sadder everyday: Arab Springs without new growth of better politics, Euro zone collapse, Russia's anti-Putinism, U.S. politics, etc. China is a ticking timebomb. The real problem (the real elephant in the room) is global warming which is destroying the foodchain. Here in Richmond, we have not had a winter. I dread this summer as I expect a long, record-breaking heatwave. Hope my garden irrigation system is up to the task.

As you know, I have used the emergency room several times. Because use of the clinic requires visiting the central blood service where I have been repeatedly mistreated and because of other incidences at McGuire, I don't use your services or Blue clinic anymore. I have no complaints about you and I understand your having to follow protocol. But, I am not going to put my life into the hands of blood-drawers who have shown a consistent dislike for me. Mistakes are too easy to engineer and cover-up. I offered to pay extra for non-centralized blood drawing suggesting that it be charged as paranoia. If my blood is drawn in the emergency room, I feel safer. Of course, continuity and integrity of physician care is lessened. However, better to buy lottery tickets with a known losing rate (emergency room) than a throw of the dice (blood drawers).

I hope you can help with the jury exclusion letter. I will let you know when I launch timism.com so you can judge whether I am madly insane or intelligently lucky.

Best wishes,

bob barnett

P.S. Feel free to bill me for clinic visit for the time you spent reading and responding to this letter.