On Being A V.A. Nigger

Nigger has many definitions. Among some chocolate people it has a different definition than the one preferred by racists. Of course, God's definition of nigger is quite different.

For this missive, God's definition applies. For God, a nigger is a person who is undertrained, underpaid, and, most importantly, denied opportunities to be the best problem-solver that they can be. A nigger does not stop emulating the greatest problem-solver ever conceived by mankind.

In denying me needed anti-narcoleptic medication to stay awake and keep a thought for more than a few minutes, the V.A. cast me into many undesired human abysses of anguish, angst, and anger, e.g., PTSD. One absyss is neo-nature of being a denied, disrespected, and deprived nigger.

Only if one begins with a genuine heartfelt empathy for the depriviledge life of a nigger can one ever come close to understanding the suffering. (Anyone who says they appreciate the suffering is guilty of semantic slippage--appreciate pain?) One can imagine the moment-to-moment frustration of not having the optimal freedom desired by all humans, but one cannot feel that denial until one has lived the denial.

Having spent my adult life with timism as my intellectual mistress since 1971, the sudden de facto lobtomizing of my mental capacity and stamina constitutes making me a nigger. I know I can do better but every few minutes my V.A. sponsored narcolepsy stops me in my tracks. Every nigger may not know the myth, but they now the life of Sisyphus, toiling upwards to achieve a goal but being knocked down if they become to uppity.

Thanks to the V.A., I know better the plight of being a nigger which I'd preferred to have only guessed.