Dear Olivia and Will,

Attached are examples of the seed order forms for the Seed Bee/Parties that can be held either at Crossroads on March 16 or at my house. Partipants will pay at the seeding party so there is not need to manage checks. Only need is to collect the forms when they come in. This should also generate some revenue for you in the short-term and long-term. You should get new and old customers as well as some free TV coverage. Seed order forms, by hand or mail delivery is to the following:

  1. Neighborhood 100
  2. Fire Stations 30
  3. City Council 9
  4. School Board 9
  5. Patrick Henry School ??

I have also provided an example of the "seed plucker" which is can be put in the middle of a large table.

I need to know whether to put at the bottom, "Drop off at 3600 Anne Street" or "Drop off at Crossroads Coffee Shop" for uploading lastest webpages.

We can all benefit from this in small and large ways.



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