1. General information
    1. Gave away about 1/3 of produce: Mr. popularity at Crossroad coffee shop
    2. Implemented use of "Cuke Caves" and "Tomato Caves."
    3. In April, someone stole over 40 tomato cages.
    4. Insulated and air conditioned cellar for roots and canning
  2. Harvested
    1. Root crops
      1. Potatos: 5 bushels, was harvesting from June 1 forward
      2. Sweet Potatos: planted 3 times previous year
      3. Turnips: Good ... second fall planting
      4. Carrots and rutabagas--None
    2. Corn: 50 heads (from a 5'x8' patch containing 4 rows)
    3. Cukes: 13 bushels from cuke cave, 65 linear feet in two trellises ... canned 180 qts, dill and sweet ... gave away on July 1 ... pick, pick, pick ... see analysis
    4. Berries and such
      1. Grapes-best year yet
      2. Strawberries and Raspberries: So many, Cathy invited neighbors to harvest.
    5. Squashes
      1. Zukes--not so good, maybe 30
      2. Yellow--good, about 40 qts, 50/50 on dill/sweet (for Cathy's heart to avoid greens)
      3. Boston winter: 12, bigger than footballs
      4. Butternut, 45, can and cook and grill
    6. Melons
      1. Watermelons: None, all stolen last year
      2. Melons: None, did not get around to planting
    7. Tomatos:
      1. Determinants(Celebrity): used cages will next year use trellis and caves about 50 qts
      2. Indeterminants: Used caves
  3. Canning: canned about 60 qts of soups

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