Why Virginia and Richmond are Timism Dead Zones:

No Virginia Accounts

Caveat: Anyone accessing a Timism account using a computer in Virginia (based on the I.P. address) will have the Timism account automatically deleted. Thus, if you want the benefits of Timism, don't move to Virginia. If you visit, do not access any Timism apps.

Your IP address and Location: You can/cannot have a Timism account.

Benefits Lost Listing

Virginians made my life hell. The following people and organizations delayed efforts to promote the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change upon which I first wrote in 1982 and have dedicated my life to developing better democracy and capitalism to fulfill the goal.

  1. The Blanders:
    1. Betty Ann Brown, Tonjia Baker(DOC), Regina Jones (Suntrust), Grandsons
    2. Adam Goodrow (thief) and housemate Jordan  (dog) ... VCU ban
  2. RPD: Folder ... Captain Snawder emails (2) ... emails ... move, respect
  3. DPW: Bogus rationale
  4. DMV: false handicap permits
  5. Richmond City Council (recall):
    1. Emails:
    2. Godfather of CrowJimism: Parker Ageslasto
  6. Richmond Magistrate
  7. Richmond Judges
    1. Denial of Due Process: Conviction and Arrest based on lies
    2. Denial of Fair Trial: Small Claims Count hypocrisy and fiasco
    3. Judges: Cheek, McClenney, Jones and ??-??
  8. Richmond's Commonwealth Attorney and Prosecutors: Conference on strategy to deny me my rights under constitution
  9. Richmond Attorneys: Hired and Appointed
  10. Virginia National Guard: Mr. Encroacher
  11. Virginia Family Dentistry.
  12. Ron Cade, DDS and Mrs. Patterson no shows.
  13. Richmond Times Dispatch
  14. Richmond TV weatherheads: email.
  15. Richmonders: "Keep up the good work."
  16. Collusion creap of CrowJimism into conspiracy
  17. Widespread violation of my rights to due process and equality under the 14th Amendment

In general, I feel sorry for Virginia-based military personnel not having homestead opportunities to Timism stock grants.

All the above people prompted me to leave Virginia. What is good for goose is good for gander. These people delayed my sharing what needs to be done to save life on earth not by days, weeks or months, but by years!

The initial overall economic impact on Virginia of it being a Timism Deadzone will increase as supporters of Timism boycott Virginia as tourists and workers. The latter not only will not relocate to Virginia but in imitation of the Great Migration from the South and Middle-Class migration to suburbs, workers will leave Virginia like the immigrant brain drain from dytrophic countries.