Free speech is not Facade Speech
Per Timism's Morality of More Time, a right or freedom solves or prevents a time-wasting wrong. Likewise with free speech: It liberates us from or prevents time-wasting problems. Too often, money-warped legal laws of rights and freedoms stray from and contradict the eternal moral laws of more time, aka, survival of the fittest. Too often, bubbled journalists over-hype dust-in-the-wind, useless, time-wasting topics.

(Fee speech is not free speech)

Public gateways of information (news media) do not have carte blanc when they forever pontificate with fake, false, or facade news. Like personalities, mediacs can be judged on the content of their communications, i.e., the content of their character. The quality of one's free will to exercise rights and freedoms depends on one's integrity of intellect and information. The domination of airways and newsprint with the 2024 election two years before the election is not free speech but facade speech. Instead of public dialog on real problems (climate, race, inflation, corruption), we have the distraction of media mental masturbation.

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Forever election talk is as useless and inefficient as local news reporting weather and road conditions. In a few seconds on the internet, one can have better information with less CO2-sinning by over-paid announcers. Forever elections are endless foreplay without issues.

Evil triumphs when there is no free speech. Forever elections are high-brow soap opera boring and alienating the masses. In England, election campaigns are limited to six weeks. Occassionally, a facade speaker will acknowledge the wasted airtime and ink of forever elections. It is like a pedophile's Freudian Slip.

The 2022 mid-term elections cost $16 billion--$3 billion more than the $13 billion Gerald R. Ford nuclear aircraft carrier. The facade gatekeepers will have hyped the 2024 elections over 24 months into a 20 or 24 billion dollar election. Those billion of dollars generate tons of unnecessary CO2-sinning against Mother Nature. Facade speech violates the Primary Moral Imperative. U.S. elections are climate cancers. Facadists are sadistic climate criminals.

Timism's 2024 Presidential team will be announce October 1, 2024, as write-in candidates. At the top of ticket will be the man or woman who has the most supporters via this grassroots Presidential Brainbee. Timism Zero-Cost Primaries process will not cost a single dollar. Oppositely, it rewards participants with lifehours, symbollically as a new currency and literally as a safer, saner world. Safer? Yes, near-zero CO2 sins.

Media Critique