Oprah Winfrey, Chicago
Mayor Bloomberg, New York
Steve Ratner, New York
George Soros, New York
Dan Gilbert, Detroit
IBM, Armonk, New York
Nigel Farage, London, England

Re: Patrons of Timism

Lady and Gentlemen:

Each of you have in your own way had a positive desire for and impact on the public well-being. For a relative small business loan, I offer you a tool that can be a force-multiplier. Before reading further, please review my resume and achievements. Referencing one of my simpler accomplishments usually prompts people to take me seriously:  I completed undergraduate requirements at Southern Illinois University in just over two years, cum laude (one semester I ace'd 24 hours). What are the tools?

My primary tool of value is the "brainbee" which are like spelling bees which filter who is the best problem-solver or has the best problem-solution. They can initiate zero-cost primaries and citizen legislation. The not find find, acknowledge and reward the Einstein moment among us. Brainbees are terrific education tools: One learns what others think about certain problems. Brainbees "google" not what people did but what they want. When a person wins a public brainbee, one receives a credit for helping to define and solve a public problem--lifehours.

My secondary tool is the "lifehour" which describes how real value is problem-solving value measured in time. Every problem wastes time and requires time to solve.The lifehour is both a concept and a reality. It will gain traction as a replacement for monetarism which is usury repackaged, sanitized and academized with a Nobel Prize stamp of approval.

A confession: These tools were developed as necessities to reverse the existential meltdown of our problem-solving institutions so as to have the organizational means to stop global warming. I wrote my first paper on the latter in 1982 when I wrote that the most immediate impact of rising CO2 levels would be changes in precipitation patterns, longer droughts and greater deluges. A subsequent, derived analysis from the "Organic Thesis of CO2 climate extremes and contradictions" was "Hurricanes for Dummies" in which stated that hurricanes would become fewer with a greater proportion of class 4 and 5--read Hurricane Sandy. Also, in the YouTube vid "2012 Midwest Drought" I explain how New England downwind from the massive Rocky Mountain fires received the rain soaked up by CO2 as it crossed the Midwest. My motivation in all acts is the Primary Moral Imperative to save life on earth.

Now, the bad news, some of the consequences of implementing better democracy and better capitalism through brainbees and lifehours will negatively affect your business model. However, the positive benefits will outweigh the negatives. I believe that you are like me: Money is incidental to doing the right thing and doing a good job. I'd rather be poor in a rich world than be rich in a poor world. Sadly, the US is becoming a failed state which can be reversed by the tools of timism.

When seeking a loan, one needs to show the future revenue stream that will repay the loan--see Timism's cash flow. Of course, that is the loan for? For revving up the software to promote better democracy and capitalism--Loan Use and Bonus.


Bob Barnett

Loan Amount


Personal appeal


In terms of fortune and fame, you've been luckier while my luck has been Timism: The Morality of More Time. However, we both believe that "From those to whom much is given, much is expected." With your help, I can further the common good by more equality, justice and respect with the Super Brainbee which is blind to color, sex, and other subjective bigoty. Even if you do not do the loan, you may consider running some of the 30-second TV ads on your channel, billing Timism for upwards of $1,000,000, e.g., "Chocolate and Vanilla" or encouraging people to participate in the Dollar Democracy of Boycotts and Mascots.

Mayor Bloomberg

Not long ago you announce a $5 million "Mayors Challenge" for the best idea to improve communities which was awarded to Providence, Rhode Island. I have a better, whole plan which will improve policy making at the national, state and local levels--the Super Brainbee. Timism also provides an accounting system to develop a better, functional and honest currency, the lifehour.


Years ago I called your office to see if you were a former shipmate. I was impressed and honored that you--a very busy, important person--took the time to personally answer the call after your secretary forwarded my question to you. You could have told her to tell me, "No." In appreciation of your honoring vets in a very small but significant way,

George Soros

You have a track record of trying to impove democracy around the world. With your loan I can implement the Super Brainbee for all nations, states and localities


Your community spirit can benefit from the tools of timism and the Super Brainbee. The proposal for refinancing all loans to zero-interest, inflationary adjusted lifehour loans with profit-sharing payback may reduce the funny numbers of funny paper on your bottom line. However, the overall buying power of the loans will increase as your borrowers and fellow Detroiters start having hours of life that are increasingly of greater value as the problems that cheapen life are reduced and eliminated. Between what you have done with Quicken Loans and my knowledge of lifehours, we can set an agenda that will get America going forward rather than downward.


With this loan you receive a lock-in on Timism buying your internet systems. Your loan is repaid by a 10% surcharge on equipment and services purchased from IBM. Tentative partnership needs to be announced by October 13, 2013, for GOOHFs for all employees.



Many videos are on Youtube and elsewhere in which you offer $250,000 for a solution to the Euro which is a cancerous, self-destructive logical consequence of monetarism. Timism provides the solution in reason (lifehours) and in application (Super Brainbee). Please use this on-line means to forward $250,000 While citizens of England will be able to purchase an account, no British brainbees will be run to tap the intelligence of Brits to find their Einstein Moments to more efficiently and effectively solve their problems. No lifehours are offered.