TO: FROM: (FYI N-RSVP) SUBJECT: ACCOUNT MESSAGE: Status Review for 3Lastname, 3FirstName Boxes indicate blank fields. Please use on-line forms to complete. ACCOUNT: Headings Lifehours FeeFunds Donations Xacts ACCOUNT: Review 0.00 $9.97 $0.00 1 Member Review********************************************************* Name: 3Lastname, 3FirstName 3MidName 3SURN Prof: Addr: 3ADDR in 3CITY, 3SND 3C 30000 Phone: 3PHNM (test) CICd= 0, ID#= 3, ID= , PW=3PW, OldPW= Gender/Marital: M/ Email: Your Join Date and time are: 10-04-2001 @ 08:46:04 Birthday: No birthday entered yet Accounts recruited: 0 Account: Status Revu Fee -.04 1 ACCOUNT: New Balance 0.00 $9.93 $0.00 2 Deme Status Review**************************************************** Demes for account #3, 3Lastname, 3FirstName EarthUnit: 4 E-Subunit: 3 Nation: US Region: 3 SubRegion: 3 State/Prov: VA District: 3 City: 23219 (postal code, e.g., zip) County: (postal code, e.g., zip) State Upper House: 8 State Lower House: 69 Account: Status Revu Fee -.03 1 ACCOUNT: New Balance 0.00 $9.90 $0.00 3 ACCOUNT: Headings Lifehours FeeFunds Donations Xacts Accounts left to recruit with full lifehour bonus: 4,994,870 Adline #1 This is a test of number one new ad.07-09-2002, 09:35:45 Error on Get #AdvRam ID/Spn/Ads:3/2/1<< Progress of Press for Better Democracy and Capitalism 5,130 Accounts, Today=1,763 2,666,062 Transactions, Today=128,142 460,277 Lifehours, Today=69,182 85,255 Earnings $ 6,927,166 Current Cost of $3 billion Leverage Buyout Of Corrupt Habitual Politicians Current Total Cost/Citizen: $.02, estimate 1 lifehour or $15.05 Current Annual Cost/Citizen: $.00, estimate of 3 minutes or $.75 TimeStamp: 020709-34549.89000001a01