Site Index: Obsolete, see Index Directory 'Links From' Pages linking to this page: ( )No IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) Linkstat:LinksFrom2Table
Link In From | Uploaded | Webpage Title of Link In file | |
< | #1 Guidelines | 071111 | Membership Guidelines |
< | #2 Status | 071113 | Status of Actions and Accounts |
< | #3 RipOffs | 071111 | Ripoffs that need to be stopped |
< | #4 FreeSoftware | 071111 | Free Software |
< | #5 Countries | 021011 | Global Countries |
< | #6 ToggleCfph | 080610 | Colfilperhone Toggles |
< | #7 PseudoDemocracy | 071120 | Pseudo Democracy |
< | #8 HowItWouldWork | 071101 | How it would work with 1,000,000 nominees |
< | #9 VotingBasicTypes | 110921 | Basic Types of Voting |
< | #10 VotingRules | 071101 | Voting Rules and Guidelines |
< | #11 Congress | 090415 | Cfph single: Federal Nomination |
< | #12 Donation | 120515 | Funding: Donation or Loan |
< | #13 Ovu-ClassActions | 071205 | Class Action Suits: Monthly |
< | #14 RipOffs | 071101 | Ripoffs that need to be stopped |
< | #15 ComputerCrime | 071111 | Computer Crimes: The Growing Rape of Our Times |
< | #16 Decapitalism | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed |
< | #17 IndexIssues | 071111 | Issues and Polls Index |
< | #18 RU424N4 | 071101 | RU424N4? |
< | #19 SchoolViolence | 071101 | School Violence: Guns Today, Gases Tomorrow |
< | #20 BeattyFriends | 071111 | Beatty, Warren Letter |
< | #21 BeattyWarren | 071111 | Beatty, Warren Table of Contents |
< | #22 AdsBogus | 071101 | Bogus, Deceptive Advertising |
< | #23 MediaCycleGuidelines | 071111 | Media Guidelines of Forum Cycles |
< | #24 MediaOps | 071010 | Media Questions On Democratic Capitalism |
< | #25 Economists | 071111 | The first thing we do is kill all the economists. |
< | #26 PR-Decap | 071111 | Press Release: Decapitalism, Economic Bloodshed |
< | #27 PresidentialYear2000 | 071111 | A Needed Presidential Speech |
< | #28 Racism | 131110 | Racism and Flatuence: They Both Stink |
< | #29 SemanticSlippage | 021215 | Semantic Slippage |
< | #30 Cure | 071101 | Cure to Habitual Politics, Problems and Terrorism: Term Limits |
< | #31 Problems | 071101 | Cancerous Habitual Problems: The Gift of Habitual Politicians |
< | #32 Terrorism | 071101 | Habitual Terrorism: Offspring of Habitual Politicians |
< | #33 LeverageBuyOuts | 071101 | Leverage Buyout of Habitual Politicians |
< | #34 Lifehours | 071101 | Lifehours Index of Webpages |
< | #35 Speeches | 071111 | Speeches for Mental Vitamins |
< | #36 Writings | 071111 | Writing Index for Better Democracy and Capitalism |
< | #37 CompensationEmancipation-Lincoln | 131010 | Lifehours: The Abraham Lincoln Precedence |
< | #38 SurfWisely | 071101 | Surf Wisely: How to Surf A Site without Making Mush of your Mind |
< | #39 WhatsInForME | 071111 | What's In It For You? |
< | #40 Ovu-Women5050 | 071101 | Women 50/50 |
< | #41 FedReserveReform | 120507 | Federal Reserve Reform Law: Vote Please |
< | #42 StateDissolution | 071101 | State Dissolution |
< | #43 Thesis | 071101 | Lifehours: A New Currency Uniting the Symbols and Substance of Our Time |
< | #44 InvestmentInFuture | 071101 | Investing Lifehours for the Future |
< | #45 TaxCreditsTentative | 071101 | Tentative Tax Credits |
< | #46 LifehourCredits | 071101 | Credit for Future Taxes, a Needed Precedence |
< | #47 LH-Writings | 071101 | Writings Lifehour Credits |
< | #48 EPU-EPluribusUnum | 080527 | E Pluribus Unum: On-Line Democracy, All for one and One for All |
< | #49 SocialContractForSalvation | 120312 | Social Contract with Timism |
< | #50 FedReserve | 071101 | Federal Reserve Bank |
< | #51 RetroActiveDecapitalism | 071101 | Decapitalism, Retroactive and Paracidic: Reynolds Metal |
< | #52 MoneyDictatorship | 071101 | Money Dictatorship |
< | #53 Ovu-Wealthfare | 071101 | Wealth Transfer by Law is Still Theft |
< | #54 TaxTrustees | 140712 | Tax Trustees |
< | #55 PBDC | 021012 | PBDC: Press For Better Democracy and Capitalism |
< | #56 BonusTypes | 071101 | Lifehour Bonus Types |
< | #57 DoubleSidedDemocracy | 071111 | Democracy and Voting Content |
< | #58 Residuals | 071101 | Residuals from recruiting accounts |
< | #59 SimpleBonuses | 071111 | FAQ/EMAIL/Manual On-Line Forums |
< | #60 UniqueTool | 071111 | Unique, Ultimate Marketing Tool: Democracy |
< | #61 WarningTheft | 071101 | Warning: Honesty, not thievery. |
< | #62 TenetsOfDC | 071111 | Tenets of Democratic Capitalism |
< | #63 Technical | 071110 | Technical Thanks |
< | #64 ConversationStopper | 071111 | Conversation Stoppers |
< | #65 WorkEthicGift | 071101 | Work Ethic: The Greatest Gift |
< | #66 ProductTransactionTax | 071111 | Product Transaction Tax Overview |
< | #67 PeriodicTableOfExistence | 071101 | Timism: Periodic Table of Existence |
< | #68 1-2Premises | 071101 | 1-2 Reform, Premises for an American Reformation |
< | #69 1-3NewForms | 071101 | #1 Reform, Chapter 3: New Forms |
< | #70 1-4NUSA | 071101 | #1 Reform, Principles, Chapter 4: NUSA, National Universal Reform Act |
< | #71 1-5TimeInvest | 071101 | #1 Reform, Principles, Chapter 5: Time Investment Stops Inflationary Suffering |
< | #72 1-Toc | 071112 | 1-Toc |
< | #73 2-2DemoCaps | 071101 | #2 Reform, Election, Chapter 2: Democratic Capitalists |
< | #74 2-Toc | 071112 | 2-Toc |
< | #75 24-BusinessRams | 071111 | 24 in 4: Business Ramificaitons |
< | #76 24-Capitalism | 071101 | Capitalism & Currency |
< | #77 24-CollegeStudents | 071101 | 24 in 4: College Students |
< | #78 24-CrimePrevent | 071111 | Crime Prevention |
< | #79 24-Currency | 071101 | Currency: Penultimate Productivity |
< | #80 24-EcosNomos | 071111 | Ecos Nomos: The Quality of Life and Our Environment |
< | #81 24-Employment | 071111 | Employment Paradigm: Which 24 hour Work Week |
< | #82 24-EmploymentParadigm | 071101 | Employement Paradigm |
< | #83 24-FederalReserve | 071101 | The Federal Reserve: It Cuts the Workweek! |
< | #84 24-Foreword | 071101 | 24 in 4: Foreword |
< | #85 24-Gold | 071101 | Gold or Another 4-Letter Word |
< | #86 24-HealthCare | 071101 | Healthcare: Community Service |
< | #87 24-HourWorkWeek | 071111 | The 24-Hour Workweek |
< | #88 24-JobDemocracy | 071111 | Job Democracy: Why Share Work? |
< | #89 24-Lifehour | 071101 | Lifehours: Symbols Are Substance |
< | #90 24-Necronomics | 071111 | Necronomics: The Killing Laws |
< | #91 24-NoteOfThanks | 071111 | 24 in 4 Note of Thanks |
< | #92 24-Paradigms | 071111 | Paradigms or Models of Employment |
< | #93 24-ParentsTeachers | 071111 | Parents and Teachers |
< | #94 24-Sacred40HrWW | 071111 | Sacred 40-Hour Workweek |
< | #95 24-TaxAx | 071101 | Tax Ax: Product Transaction |
< | #96 24-TroubleSpots | 071111 | Trouble Spots in the Workplace |
< | #97 24-Underemployment | 071111 | Underemployment: Bad Economics |
< | #98 24-UniversalTime | 071101 | Universal Time Clock, Payroll & Policies |
< | #99 24-WhatTodo | 071101 | What to do: Lifehour Credits |
< | #100 24in4Toc | 071111 | 24 in 4 Table of Contents |
< | #101 3-1Politicized | 080527 | Tax Reform: #1 Policized Taxation |
< | #102 3-3Reaganomics | 071101 | #3 Reform, Taxes: Reaganomics |
< | #103 3-4TimelyTaxes | 071101 | #3 Reform, Taxes: Timely Taxation |
< | #104 3-5TimisticAnalysis | 071101 | # Reform, Taxes: Timistic Analysis |
< | #105 3-6PrivateTaxation | 071111 | #3 Reform, Taxes: Private Taxation of America |
< | #106 3-Toc | 071112 | 3-Toc |
< | #107 4-1WorkSharing | 080527 | #4 Reform, Employment and Education, Chapter 1: Work Sharing: A Better Life |
< | #108 4-2Compression | 071101 | #4 Reform, Employment and Education, Chapter 2: Compression of a Time Conversion |
< | #109 4-3Share | 071101 | #4 Reform, Employment & Education, Chapter 3: Share and Reduce Your Timely Costs |
< | #110 4-4Principles | 071111 | #4 Reform, Employment and Education, Chapter 4: Principles and Faith for Compression |
< | #111 4-5InfluxPressure | 071111 | Influx Pressure for Compressing Workweek |
< | #112 4-6Benefits | 071101 | #4 Reform, Employment & Education, Chapter 6: Benefits and Enforcement of Compression |
< | #113 4-Toc | 071112 | 4-Toc |
< | #114 C-Toc | 071111 | C-Toc |
< | #115 C01-StableCurrency | 071101 | CURRENCY: Symbols or Substance, Chapter 1--Stable Currency: Penultimate Productivity |
< | #116 C02-HumanProds | 071111 | Currencies, Chapter 2--Currencies? Human Products! |
< | #117 C03-HistoricalTrends | 071101 | Currency, Chapter 3: Historical Trends |
< | #118 C04-Durability | 071101 | CURRENCY, Chapter 4--Durability: What Production |
< | #119 C05-OfficialAndNot | 071111 | CURRENCY, Chapter 5--Official and Unofficial |
< | #120 C06-SimpleCurs | 071111 | CURRENCY, Chapter 6--Simple Private Currencies |
< | #121 C07-Loans | 071111 | CURRENCY, Chapter 7--Loans--Complex Private Currencies |
< | #122 C08-Euromart | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 8: Euromart: Mass Inflation/Counterfeiting |
< | #123 C09-LoanActionFedRes | 071101 | Currency, Chapter 9--Loan Action of the Federal Reserve |
< | #124 C10-BankersLaw | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 10--Bankers' Law or Grandma's Law |
< | #125 C11-NecroMoney | 071101 | Currency, Chapter 11--Neconomic Monetarism, Nature and Origin |
< | #126 C12-NecroCur | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 12--Necronomics: Currency Divorcing Production |
< | #127 C13-MoneyColony | 071111 | Monetary Colonialism |
< | #128 C14-StockflationCheap | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 14--Stockflation: Cheapening a Tool of Capital |
< | #129 C15-StockflAware | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 15--Stockflation: Awareness and Concern |
< | #130 C16-ProductsWhat | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 16--What Production? What Products? |
< | #131 C17-NatStock | 071111 | Currency, Chapter 17--National Stock of a Country |
< | #132 C18-ProdMoney | 071111 | Currency Reform, Chapter 18: Productive Monetarism |
< | #133 C19-ProducerChoice | 071111 | Currency Reform, Chapter 19: Producer's Choice: What Product? |
< | #134 DeCap-Dedication | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed, Dedication |
< | #135 Decap-Toc | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed Table of Contents |
< | #136 Decap0-Acknowledgments | 071101 | Decapitalism: Acknowledgements |
< | #137 Decap1-GreatAmSellOff | 071101 | Decapitalism, Chapter 1--The Great American Sell-Off |
< | #138 Decap2-RatNecronomics | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed, Chapter 2--Rationale: Neconomics |
< | #139 Decap3-Bankers | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed, Chapter 3--The Bankers |
< | #140 Decap4-HabitualPols | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed, Chapter 4--Habitual Politicians |
< | #141 Decap5-YouDecap | 071101 | Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed, Chapter 5--Are You Decapitalizing America? |
< | #142 Demcap1 | 080527 | Introduction to Democratic Capitalism Chapter 1 |
< | #143 Demcap2 | 080527 | A NEEDED PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH |
< | #144 Demcap3 | 080527 | NUSA IS NOT MARXISM |
< | #145 Demcap5 | 071111 | Re-Declaration of Independence |
< | #146 Demcapu-Toc | 071112 | Demcapu-Toc |
< | #147 E-Toc | 071111 | E-toc |
< | #148 E00-Acknowledgements | 071111 | Acknowledgements for Ecos Nomos |
< | #149 E00-Caveat | 071111 | Caveat, Qualifications, Ecos Nomos |
< | #150 E00-Dedicate | 071111 | Dedication, Ecos Nomos |
< | #151 E01-HumanProblems | 071111 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 1--Human Problems: Wasted Time |
< | #152 E02-Lifehour | 071101 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 2--Lifehours |
< | #153 E03-Inflation | 071101 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 3--Inflation: The Theft of Time |
< | #154 E04-Ockham | 071101 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 4--Ockham's Razor for Inflation: Timism |
< | #155 E05-TimeFxGov | 071101 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 5: Timely Function of Government |
< | #156 E06-GoodEcosDemos | 071111 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 6--Good Economics Needs Good Democracy |
< | #157 E07-NatureDemos | 071111 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 7--Nature of Relevant, Optimal Democracy |
< | #158 E08-Productivity | 071101 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 8--Productivity: Forward |
< | #159 E09-UtimateDemos | 071101 | Ecos Nomos: The Needed Economics, Chapter 9--Ultimate Productivity: Democracy |
< | #160 IndexWritings | 071101 | Writing Index for Better Democracy and Capitalism |
< | #161 M-Toc | 071112 | M-toc |
< | #162 M0-Dedication | 080527 | Dedication, Managing W/O Managers, Krekel |
< | #163 M1-Economics | 071101 | Economics: The Politics of Time Chapter 1 in MANAGING w/o MANAGERS |
< | #164 M2-Goals | 071101 | Goals and Growth Chapter 2 in Managing w/o Managers |
< | #165 M3-FriendOrFoe | 080527 | Self-Management: Friend or Foe Chapter 3 in MANAGING w/o MANAGERS |
< | #166 M4-Fingertip | 071101 | Fingertip Productivity Chapter 4 in Managing w/o Manager |
< | #167 M5-MassCom | 080527 | Mass Communicator: Daily Growth Chapter 5 in Managing w/o Managers |
< | #168 M6-Profits | 071101 | Profits: Who Gains? Chapter 6 Managing w/o Managers |
< | #169 M7-CareerPath | 080527 | Career Path: Self-Determination Chapter 7 in Managing w/o Managers |
< | #170 M8-GovReform | 080527 | MANAGING without MANAGERS, Chapter 8--Progressive Government Reform |
< | #171 M9-Lifehour | 071101 | Lifehour Evolution Chapter 9 in Managing w/o Managers |
< | #172 N-Toc | 071111 | N-toc |
< | #173 N00-Dedication | 071111 | Necronomics Dedication: Lee Iacocca |
< | #174 N00-Introduction | 071101 | Necronomics: Introduction |
< | #175 N01-InflatedWord | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 1: Inflation, An Inflated Word |
< | #176 N02-InflationIs | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 2: Inflation is .... |
< | #177 N03-CapitalChoice | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 3: Capital Choice--Production or Inflationary Income |
< | #178 N04-Legisflation | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 4: Legalized Inflation--Legisflation. |
< | #179 N05-NegEcosNomos | 071101 | Necronomics--Chapter 5, Necronomics: Negative Ecos Nomos |
< | #180 N06-IllogicalLaws | 071101 | Necronomics--Chapter 6, Illogical Legal Tax Laws |
< | #181 N07-UsuryLaws | 071111 | Necronomics--Chapter 7, Usury Laws: A Productive Reason |
< | #182 N08-BankersLaw | 071111 | Necronomics--Chapter 8, Banker's Law or Grandma's Law? |
< | #183 N09-SaversBeware | 071111 | Necronomics--Chapter 9, Savers Beware |
< | #184 N10-ProductiveDefl | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 10: Productive Deflation:Democratic Tailoring |
< | #185 N11-FederalDeficit | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 11, Federal Deficits and Inflation |
< | #186 N12-Waterdown | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 12, Waterdown: All the Little Watergates |
< | #187 N13-NewArticles | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 13, New Articles of Confederation |
< | #188 N14-HabitualPols | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 14, Habitual Politicians |
< | #189 N15-MoneyColony | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 15, Monetary Colonialism |
< | #190 N16-MercenaryPols | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 16, Mercenary Politicians |
< | #191 N17-Pollution | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 17, Pollution of Democracy by Politics |
< | #192 N18-PermitInfl | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 18: Permitters of Inflation |
< | #193 N19-VelocityCirculation | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 19, Velocity of Circulation: Trickle up or Down? |
< | #194 N20-Unions | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 20, Unions: Disjunction from the Good Life |
< | #195 N21-NecroNomenclature | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 21, Necronomics Nomenclature |
< | #196 N22-DeclineFallPaxAm | 071101 | Necronomics, Chapter 22, Decline and Fall of Pax Americanus |
< | #197 N23-Legacy | 071111 | Necronomics, Chapter 23, Legacy for Humanity |
< | #198 NUSA | 071101 | NUSA: New United States of America |
Annotated References: Images ... Images ... Ads ... Blink ... General