Self-Faith: Know thyself. Socrates

As one understands the essence of God more fully one becomes less and less a Half-Goddist. One needs less and less faith . Afterall, God has no faith. Those who rely on faith fail to realize that an all-knowing God has no faith. A true believer relies less and less on faith in making informed, knowable decisions--see Impoverished Faithers .

Part and parcel to distancing one from one's youthful naivete is an elevated self-opinion. Below are a list of milestones of self-absorption, self-inflation and, maybe, a few horseshoe ringers.

  1. Modus Operandi: I'm always right with the immediate question of how I can be wrong.
  2. ASD Victim: Attention Surplus Disorder
  3. Autist I may be ... Catatonic Moments ... Sept 11 Reaction
  4. Caveman Learning and Living
  5. Claiming the Mantle
  6. Complicated Person
  7. Compliments Heard Over The Years
  8. Idiot's Dilemna
  9. Individuals Define, Committees Refine ... Another Perspective
  10. Intellectual Monk
  11. Lifeboats of Barnett
  12. Magister Ludi
  13. Man of Vision
  14. Means and Reasons
  15. Nobel Prizes: Worthy But Unworth Having
  16. Not A Pity Party Patriot
  17. Nothing. This is nothing
  18. Preventers Beware
  19. Saner Than Most People
  20. Self-Confidence
  21. Self-Reflection
  22. Suicide: all strata questioned by timism
  23. Tom Bombadil
  24. Ultimate Terrorist
  25. Who Chose Me?
  26. Who Do I Think I Am

Related Summaries


  1. An igknowant person who igknows learning cannot know himself. Instead, he imagines himself which makes him an idiot in nature and name.

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