British Petrophilia Gulf Oil Disaster

From Petrophilia: Loving Oil Even If It Kills Us

Pedophilia: "Sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object."

Petrophilia: "Social perversion in which civilization is misinformed, raped and destroyed for petro pied pipers"


  1. Timeline
    1. No Plan: Walruses in Plan
    2. Capture more than was reported as leaking
    3. Can't capture because no tankers
    4. Burning
    5. Flaring
  2. Environmental Impact
    1. Downwind Deluges from Burn Offs: Tennessee, Arkansas, ??--see Lottery ... many new lottery winners
      1. Organic Thesis
      2. Water Dislocation (Currency Dislocation)
        1. 1000 Cubic feet per barrel
        2. Flaring vs. releasing (methane vs. CO2 [ methane 20 times greater greenhouse gas]
        3. 100,000 barrels = 100 million cubic feet of natural gas/CO2
        4. Each gallon of gas is 34 gallons of water dislocation: 100,000 barrels = 4 million gallons of oil = 136 million gallons of water per day ... acre feet = ??
      3. Law Suits:
        1.  Arkansas
        2. Tennessee
        3. 100704 Oklahoma
    2. Hurricane Timebomb:
    3. Burn, Baby, Burn
    4. Recovery Point Speedup
  3. Necronomics
    1. Role of Bastard Stock Options
    2. Petrophiliacs: Don't they know they live on the same planet?
    3. Blackhole Economics
    4. PeePeeSoLo
    5. ScumNuts: Fools, DASEr's
    6. Existential Meltdown
  4. Letter To Media
  5. See Tomorrow Today: Harbinger: of decline ...
  6. Doesn't want to go to jail.

Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
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