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Documents in this directory: 1 Top
filename Uploaded L Title (No Orphans)
drough O GAS-L: "Global Warming and Drought" - an overview
A2zhdrLinking inc
References in this directory: 9 Top
filename L Title (References AnnotationNo Orphans)
AZNewP H Last year's Valley power shortage is this year's glut 020516AZRepublic
DontFl H Dont Flush Texas Drought* 000801CNN
DustFr H Dust From Africa* 010615CNN
Farmer H Farmers No Plant Mexico* 020529LaTimes
PowerP G PowerPlantsBorderUSMexico020615LaTimes.gif
PowerP H Power Plants U S Mexico Border* 020615LaTimes
RioGra H Rio Grande Water Rights Dry* 020419NYT
TexasF H Texas Flood* 011117CNN
TexasF H Texas Flood Repeat Rain* 011117NYT
A2zhdrLinking inc
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