Bibliography: Chronological Sort for\Impotent\Virginia\GilmoreGovnr\

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## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
1 ------ gif V A Car Tax Rebate50
2 010201 htm RTD Programs Cut
  1. Virginia localities assess impact of Gilmore's proposed budget Not enough money to give teachers raises. Construction projects put on hold. More unfunded mandates from the state. Cuts in funding for local arts and cultural programs. No cash to hire new police officers.
  2. Among reductions, Gilmore's budget includes $125 million in targeted cuts for state agencies. The proposals include cutting
3 010325 htm RTD a:CarTaxHealthInsuranceCutsRTD
  1. Gov. Jim Gilmore attempts a raid on their retirement fund. And now, it seems, the state worker health insurance program could take a big hit.
  2. The reason? You guessed it: Gilmore's increasingly pricey no-car-tax program.
4 010329 htm RTD Car Tax State Pay Raises In Doubt
  1. Car Tax State Pay Raises In Doubt*
5 010329 htm RTD No Car Tax: Election Winner
  1. No Car Tax: Election Winner
  2. Republicans make day for Dirty Jim
6 010404 htm RTD VRS funds focus of battle
  1. the General Assembly from hungrily eyeing the multibillion-dollar state pension fund as a source of cash for the no-car-tax plan and other pricey programs.
  2. The dramatic slide in stock prices has erased at least $4.5 billion, or about 11 percent, from the total value of a retirement kitty
7 020417 htm RTD Sales Tax Up V A4 Roads
  1. [People who don't drive pay for roads because of car tax repeal. Where's the accountability? Where's the responsibility? Poor folk in rural areas paying for suburban freedom. RSB]
8 980711 gif RTD Gilmore Car Tax A1980711 R T D
9 981212 gif RTD Gilmore No Car Tax A16b981212 R T D

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