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Friends, Richmonders, Countrymen: Lend me your earnings

Timism does not want donations.

Boycotts and Mascots of Dollar Democracy:
Time-Savers of Timism

Mascots of timism are proposed time-saving lifestyle changes to encourage re-timing or de-timing our daily CO2-sinning activities. They are the opposite of boycotts where we withhold our dollars from funding activities that are cancerous in the long-run: Dollar Democracy. With mascots, you are encouraged to incorporate the time-savers into your life or to share with others.

Daily or dollar democracy describes how we daily vote with our dollars at the checkout counter. Dollar Democracy is more important than how we annually or biannually vote at the ballot box. Gandhi and King showed the way to peaceful, non-violent change was boycotts, that is, daily democracy with your disposable income.

If we are to save life on earth, the Primary Moral Imperative, we need to de-time our unnecessary CO2-sinning while re-timing our production of life's necessities to generate less global holocaust gases.

The following choices allow you to vote for one dollar on a boycott or mascot. You receive one or more lifehour credit for supporting timism with the understanding you took the time to read the related material. It's an honor system! And, there is karma! When one million people have voted for the boycott or mascot then funds received will be used to initiate further action. Eventually, there will be a weekly brainbee to organize new boycotts of the people, by the people, and for the people. With brainbees and dollar democracy, we will be able to not only work and shop

Caveat: Computing backlog

The best way to review is one-a-day starting at the top. It cost a dollar but you receive one or more lifehour credits.

Primaries ... Secondary ... Flyer Distribution

Primary Principles, Solutions, and Goals of Timism: Listed in best review order.
One lifehour credit unless otherwise (#).
Yes, the Primary Moral Imperative is saving life on earth.





Yes, the CO2 Organic Thesis explains climate extremes and contradictions (5)


TV YouTube

Global Warming

Yes, I Hate Global Killers and Pity President Obama





Yes, we need to Re-Time America: Loans, Workweek, Health, Education, & Service (5)




Whole Plan, Manheaven Project
Yes,  McDonalds should be boycotted until it closes on Sundays and closes its drive-up windows





Yes, Habitual Politicians cause habitual problems.


TV YouTube

Bumper Sticker

Secondary, Alphabetic order
Yes, BGuts





Yes, Chocolate & Vanilla instead of Blacks & Whites





Yes, Decapitalism is how Wall Street has hijacked and abused the terms and tools of capitalism.





Yes, Junk timers who waste my time with junk mail, junk calls and junk texting should have their business and home electricity disconnected.


TV YouTube


Yes, Plastic Bags should be banned million




Yes, Return-to-Store should return to the marketplace, enuf of this contact the manufacture





Yes, Seed Bees are a good idea. I will participate in my local public school million




Yes, Solar Shades will save hundreds in heating costs





Yes, Super Brainbee is a way of solving human problems, everywhere.





Yes, Time fines are fairer than money and I support utility disconnect fines .





Yes, Tree Management to save time and money in making our streets and homes safer as global warming accelerates.





Yes, Twitter IPO should be stopped. million TV



Yes, Weatherheads  should introduce each weather forcast with a 30-second admonition that global warming has become global dying.


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Global Killers
Yes, Women 50/50 whereby elected positions will have rotating male/females with term limits.

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Bumper Sticker











Yes, I will distribute Flyer distribution (5) million
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Timism does not store any credit card information ... too much work!

Why you lend money to Timism: Speed up the process of timism becoming a political force in bringing about the changes for a safer, saner future.

  1. Better Democracy from brainbees: Zero-Cost Elections,  Citizen Legislation, and Women 50/50,
  2. Better Capitalism from Lifehours
  3. Better Healthcare from productive, problem-solving community service.
  4. Public awareness of global dying from rising CO2 levels

Future Boycotts/Mascots