For link review, visit www.Timism.com/Media/2017/VistaPrint17Dec26.htm
Before reading the business proposal--one that costs you no money--please review the intellectual qualifications of and business achievements of the proposer:
  1. Completed undergraduate a US state university of 29,000 in two years, cum laude. One semester, ace'd 24 credit hours.
  2. Transcript ... Resume ... Achievements ... References (proud of last one) ... Bona Fides ... Business Model.
I have an internet start-up (www.Timism.com) which will generate tens of thousands of individualized business card orders as well as other promotional items, e.g., bumper stickers. When Timism supporters sign up, their basic information (name, title and email address) will be sent to you. You will "email echo" a Timism busines card with this information so the person can purchase the card from you.
You can test it out with my business card being sent to you. The following may be a little fuzzy. However, I hope you will allow me to visit to clarify. Recognize you do not have to pay anything this opportunity. Timism will bring you many customers with a small royalty.
  1. Visit www.24in4.com.
  2. Click on Sign-up. (1st one million signups are free)
  3. Follow the instructions.
    1. Be sure to use a @VistaPrint.com email address as that will trigger the VistaPrint email business card offer.
    2. Be sure to put BobBarnett@Timism.com as your sponsor--to see the accounting of rewards for being a sponsor which will encourage new supporters to use cards to sign up friends, relatives, peers, etc.
    3. Be sure to put VistaPrint@timism.com as your recruiter--this will show how the accounting increases a recruiters lifehour shares.
      1. I have several email lists to various organizations, e.g., newspapers, environmental and non-profits, to encourage their membership being encouraged to signup citing the organization as the recruiter.
      2. I have a letter ready to Starbucks to encourage it have its 200,000 employees sign up with the encouragement to hand out their timism member cards to customers.
  4. People will purchase the Timism cards for a number of reasons:
    1. They will be reimbursed the purchase price as a "two-fer" loan to timism, that is, warrants and shares.
    2. They will already have received
      1. a minimum of five shares for signing up (shares are priced at the average US hourly wage about $25/hr or $125 total), and,
      2. many more shares if they "homestead" a bonus as an early bird.
    3. They will receive five more shares for each person who signs up citing their email address as their sponsor as well a 10% finders fee of any homestead bonus claimed by the new supporter.
    4. They will support the implementation of the Tools of Timism for better democracy and capitalism.
    5. They will support increased public awareness of CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.
      1. I first wrote on climate change in 1982 when I predicted how rising CO2 would cause worsening droughts with downwind deluges/flooding.
      2. I have written more than 20 essays on climate change as well as formulated a websegment and Youtube channel on Global Dying.
    6. Supporters will call for www.24in4.com: Either we share job time or jobless crime. By better employing our human potential, we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years with more funds and fun for self, family, and community in a safer, saner world. Important consideration: With 24in4, we take healthcare cost out of business bottom line to be replaced by community service jobs of eight hours a week. Good for businesses in many ways.
  5. Considerations:
    1. Timism, or designated recipient, receives
      1. a one dollar royalty on each business card sale, and
      2. a seven percent royalty on bumper stickers
    2. Timism retains editorial control of bumper stickers.
    3. Other promotional items will be considered.
  6. VistaPrint has no upfront costs other than some simple programming to match data to image for emailing to supporter. Purchase payments are to VistaPrint, not Timism. Again, supporter payment is treated as a two-fer loan.
Email advertising rights. You will see at the bottom of each webpage a reference to advertising rights. If we formalize the above business card proposal, we can discuss the global advertising rights. Again, there is no upfront costs. In the end, you could daily have VistaPrint rotating random ads on millions of emails, e.g.,
  1. Crowdfunding Issues
  2. One-Time brainbees.
  3. Super Brainbee: One page to standardize globlal public policy-making based on a nation's ICANN code and the postal code of the building in which the public policy is managed or legislated.
  4. I would tell you more but you probably already are suffering YEGO from too much information: Your Eyes Glazed Over.
I live in Richmond, VA, and can be in Boston the next day to tease out the details. I hope you will allow me to visit you to clarify any questions you have. Please keep in mind that this is not about me but is a step to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change.
Robert S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225