Guardian/Observer Staff Members


Newspapers are always looking for additional avenues of revenue to support traditional reporting and investigations. Timism has an unusual offer that will increase the cashflow of newspapers on a significant, continual basis. Before continuing, please review the below qualifications so you realize that the offerer is not without qualifications and achievements relevant to the proposal.

The cashflow will come from "brainbees": Brainbees are like spellingbees where participants spellout and prioritize issues within a self-generating hierarchy of peer-review "classrooms." In particular, cashflow will come from One-Time brainbees whereby endusers sign-in to participate. The brainbee originator pays a modest setup fee. For some brainbees, participants observe Dollar Democracy which is profit-shared with the newspaper managing the related brainbee.

Brainbees are very educational. People with the common concern share ideas without the age-old impediments of subjective discrimination against the source of the information. One does not know who originated the problem description and solution.

Brainbees provide civil order to public gatherings. In the One-Time brainbee webpage, please note the cashflow per brainbee. Processing costs pennies or less. More importantly will be the meeting's civility. Presenters (and participants) will know in advance the peer prioritized questions/comments so as to have better answers. And, mob rule by the loudest voice will be reduced. Some one-time brainbee applications are as follows.

  1. Private JobTime: Employer pays one-hour of wage to post job openning as a brainbee. A 1% of annual wage fee is split between employer and hiree. (JobTime brainbees will cut hiring costs by 90%). The average $50k job would yield a $500 fee.
  2. Seminars: Education
  3. Public Meetings: Police and city government
  4. Marketing Surveys: Save 90% in costs.
  5. Columnist/reporter brainbees: Allows readers to prioritize the best response to a column (NYT example). I believe brainbee competition on news articles will increase readership. I, personally, don't comment on articles as I consider it nothing more than yelling in the wind. With competition and acknowledgement, many will participate especially if there is a reward. Eventually, one's two cent might cost a few pennies for a token reward for the winner.

The market for One-Time brainbees is parceled out per level with the early birds getting the biggest share. The Observer is uniquely positioned to have not only the US national brainbee rights but the UK national rights.

There are numerouse other applications. Two initial ones are Youth Wisdom Forums and Personal Democracy. Among the political brainbees are Citizen Legislation (national, state, local) and Zero-Cost Primaries, i.e., Public JobTime.

I am not interested in the fame and fortune inherent in brainbees--I am a Gandhi, not a Gates, see business model. Brainbees can be quickly applicable to all nations via newspapers signing up for the rights and promoting public participation on a level playing field that is fair and equal.
Please visit the Super-Brainbee (mid-page) which plays off how every public policy-making body has a unique code based on the countries 2-letter ICANN code and the postal code of the building in which the decisions are made, whether NYC or a small village in rural India. With the left-hand column options, public policy-making can be gradually standardized world wide to save time and money and to stop corruption.

Tentatively, no formal marketing effort will be made until 25 state newspapers agree to be part of the first day public announcement of brainbees--signup form. I will be emailing 20,000 newspaper employees in the near future, hopefully with prior editorial improvement by the Observer staff. Besides, announcing the newspapers providing brainbees to their market share, they will need to publish "CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule" as a public service.

When the newspaper encourages people to participate, each person who signs up citing the newspaper as their source will earn the newspaper one "lifehour" share of Timism. Lifehours are the second component to the needed better democracy (brainbees) and better capitalism (lifehours) to reverse the accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown. (If you have not realized it already, this 50-year effort is broadly based, deeply developed and widely researched within the framework of Timism: The Morality of More Time which is a T.O.E. from physics to religion based on the quantification of time in each event/entity.)

The dollar is dying as a problem-solving tool. Lifehours, a cyber-currency designed to be a public problem-solving currency (unlike speculative, fictitious, thin-air fabrications like bit-coin) is a key to ending "decapitalism." Wall Street has hijacked the terms and tools of capitalism to decapitalize businesses and decapitate jobs causing Americans to have an ever lowering standard of living. 401ks are the biggest bankrobbery in history. Capitalism is no where the scene of this economic theft. Rather, capitalism is a victim of identity theft.

Lifehour rewards are integral in all brainbees: If a person defines a problem-solution that saves time and money, why shouldn't a person not get a tangible, marketable reward? Earned lifehours can be traded and eventually will be used to pay taxes and repay loans.

When millions of Americans have billions in lifehour credits, we will have a new public problem-solving currency.

If you are interested, please email me back. As a highly functional asperger autist, I can think better than most people but my translations of my creations into everyday speak often makes my intellectual creations worthless.  Too often, I cause YEGO, that is, your eyes glaze over. (I actually think that this missive will miss the target because I have referenced irrelevant factors while igknowing the needed as too obvious to mention.) I can come to New York to sit in a room while staff members rotate in with questions. I hope you will help me thereby helping you and yours as part of the Primary Moral Imperative to save life on earth from climate change, chaos, catastrophes and criminals.

If you see potential benefits to your newspaper, please ask your boss to pass your recommendation to the powers-to-be so something producive can begin.

Robert S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
FYI: Primary Moral Imperative: Save Life on Earth from Climate Change ... Signup To Support (earn 5 lifehour credits)


  1. The Past: UG Transcript (2-years cum laude) * Resume * Achievements * References (proud of last one) * Bona Fides * DD214 * You Cannot Respect Me
  2.  Climate Change Essays (20+) Key essays
    1. Oil Droughts (1982, 1st essay)
    2. CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule 
    3. AlphaTrifecta: Rising CO2 levels behind worsening Autism, ADHD and Alzheimers rates
  3. The Future: Timism.com * 24in4 (Manheaven Blueprint) * Existential Meltdown *  Business Model Viral * Brainbees * Lifehours