Please revu and pass this onto Tom Steyer.

And, for yourself, signup at www.Timism.com to collect thousands in the new cyber-currency (Lifehours).


"When the Lord closes a door, he opens a window. I will find that window and crawl through it with you, I promise you that."

Mr. Steyer, this is your window, a window in a glass building that you can open for millions.

Location: www.Timism.com/Media/2020/SteyerTomOffer.htm

Dear Mr. Steyer,

I do not see you out of the game. In fact, if you read the Campaign Ideas Offering and if you act on them as suggested, you could be drafted in a brokered convention. And, your final cost is not money, but is your time to voice ads. I had hope to get the ideas to you sooner.

I won't repeat the enclosed list of campaign ideas. I do believe that you could prime the pump for a convention draft. Two newspapers ads in USA Today (CO2 Killer Molecule and CO2 Hotspots) would start the ball rolling. (Any funds you expend are two-fer, that is, Timism's accounting system records a bond/warrant for repayment and an equal amount as "lifehour" cyber-currency.")

These ideas are derived from a half-century of research as organized in Timism: The Morality of More Time. I describe myself as a mental sponge with accolates that prove it, e.g., graduated cum laude in two years from largest Illinois university (transcript and resume).

These are some ideas of many that will resonate with voters, many echo your goals of NextGen America.

  1. Capitalism is a victim of identity theft.
  2. 401ks: The biggest bank robbery in history.
  3. Healthcare via community service.
  4. Term Limits, Staggered Elections and Women 50/50.
  5. Primary Moral Imperative: Save life on Planet Earth from Climate Chaos

The most important idea is 24in4 (summary ... website)

  1. Motto: "Either we share job time or jobless crime."
  2. Meaning: "By better employing our human resources, we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years with more funds and fun for self, family and community in safer, saner world.
  3. When technology saves 10% of the production time, should we reduce workweek  by 10% or deny 10% of population gainful employment.
  4. If the Covid-19 virus causes a 25% drop in production time, again the same question.
  5. The 25% unemployment in the 1930s Depression would not have happened if the workweek were steadily reduced to keep unemployment under 5%.

The number one social, economic and political problem is dis-employment, that is, un-, under- and mis-employment. As is well known, idle minds are the workshop of the devil. 24in4 automatically unravels and solves these problems.

I would like to meet with you to review the opportunities within Timism to leverage your concerns and goals to a higher level. To see the possibilities, please signup at Timism.com. There a "delete" link in the left column if you do not want to keep the account. Please note the


Bob Barnett
text: 804-801-2130


  1. Original Letter
  2. Campaign Ideas Options
  3. CO2 Hotspots: Droughts with downwind deluges
  4. CO2: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule


Tom Steyer, 2020 Presidential Candidate

Dear Mr. Steyer,

I have an offer which hopefully an associates will forward to you. It will not only help your immediate campaign, but for the long-term, it will improve our democracy. The primary offer is brainbees. You have helped disadvantaged groups. Brainbees is a greater return per dollar lent, not given. Brainbees have cashflow avenues to repay the loan.

Before viewing the offer, consider my qualifications. I am a mental sponge who set a record at the largest Illinois unversity (29,000 students) graduating cum laude in just over two years. One semester I ace'd 24 credit hours (transcript, resume, achievements and references[best one is last]).

Brainbees are like spelling bees. Problem-defintions and -solutions are spelled out in an automatic, methodical, hierarchical, peer-review process.

  1. If 349 people submit an idea (issue or individual), the brainbee software creates 49 cyber-classrooms of 7 submitters at the submission deadline,
  2. Submitters in a classroom receive an email of their classmates' submissions with the email Subject line used to record one's votes of items in preferred order.
  3. At the voting deadline, the submitter with highest tally proceeds to the next level where the 49 classroom winners are again peer-reviewed in 7 classrooms.
  4. When there are 7 finalists, initial submitters are emailed the seven final winners to vote to prioritize the finalists.
  5. At top level, different paths exist depending on the brainbee focus.
  6. Brainbee examples: Zero-cost primary ... Citizen Legislation ... Civility Brainbees.

Details of brainbees

  1. Brainbees are the super highway to govenment of, by and for the people.
  2. Blind to the subjective limitations of race, religion and gender.
  3. Extremely educational as participants review similar issues of like-minded concerned citizens.
  4. Automatic like a printing press that knows not what is being processed.
  5. Can process 100,000,000 votes in one hour.
  6. Lifehours: A reward system gives winners a bonus for each level won in a new cyber-currency which can be traded and eventually used to pay loans, taxes and healthcare. Not only do supporters gain some lifehours but a lottery at 1,000,000 supporters creates large bonuses--see Idea Lottery.
  7. Super Brainbee: Standardized public and private policy/decision  making in any country based on two unique variables: The country's ICANN code and the postal code of building where policies and decisions are made.
  8. Add-a-nation: A simple way for citizens in any nation to develop a quorum to initiate a brainbees.

Votetime: A complement to Brainbees--a universal, any nation voting system using old computers and scanners ... has numerous redundancies to prevent corruption.

If I was not in my eight decade, I'd be running with my ideas instead offering them and my assistance to you.

Mr. Steyer: For many reasons, you should take advantage of my offer.


Robert S. Barnett
Text: 804-801-2130

Campaign Idea Offering List