Entry Guidelines for On-Line Democracy Forums

Participants submit items to the on-line brain bee forums via the summary text box that allows about 60 words (512 characters, 8 lines of 64 characters). Within the text box, you can enter information that allows readers to learn more about your summary. You can enter one or more of the following:

  • Web Address of a page or site that contains an elaboration or expansion of the issue or individual. If the submission is for a public election, the webaddress will be used as the link on the universal downloadable ballot created by VoteTime.
  • Email Address of a person to contact for more information
  • Phone #, if you want to be called
  • Summaries can be in any language. Thus, if a county's primary language is not English, the predominant language can be used.

Be sure to limit your total keyboarding to the maximum number of characters, for your information will be truncated/cropped at the maximum character count.

Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
'Links To': Pages linked to by this page: ( (IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) IndexAD1.bas:LinkLstToTable
Link Label on this page Uploaded Webpage Title of Link file
(A) No Incomplete Links:
(B) No HTTP:// Links:
(C) No Dated Links: Annotated References: HTB
(D) No Templates:
(E) No Internal Links, Absolute (non-dated):
(F) No Internal Links, Relative (non-dated and ignore lifehour credit links):
(G) No Current Directory Links

'Links From' Pages linking to this page: ( )No IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) Linkstat:LinksFrom2Table
Link In From Uploaded Webpage Title of Link In file
< #1 WorldPeace 141210 World Peace Brain Bee
< #2 Ovu-Snowflake2Index 071111 Snowflake Spelling Bees: Overview
< #3 CfphCore 071120 BB Core masterform
< #4 WebsiteHelp 071111 Yuk: Website Problems and How to Improve
< #5 Congress 090415 Cfph single: Federal Nomination
< #6 What1YouCanDo 120507 What You Can Do, Primary
< #7 What2YouCanDo 131010 What You Can Do, Secondary
< #8 MediaOps 071010 Media Questions On Democratic Capitalism
< #9 IndexInfo 131015 v:130627 Timism: Portal to better problem-solving and policy-making
< #10 IndexYouTube 131015 v:130627 Timism: YouTube Channels and Vids
< #11 Brainbees 071101 Brain Bees to Solve Our Problems
< #12 TaxTrustees 140712 Tax Trustees
< #13 Columnst 131025 Columnists

To Do List Whole Scheme * Signup * Recruit * ISPs * Help * UPS * TTD? * BDC * Global Dying * MHC * Morality * 24in4 * Retiming
Navigate ABCIndex * Image Bibs * IndexDir * Indexes * Rags * Reference Bibs * RefsMajor RefsYMD * Slideshows *
WebLinks Timism.com * Timism.Net (F L) ... GlobalDying * Letters * Essays * MiniIndx * Writings
ManHeaven Index * IndexDir * D2D * CO2 Sins * Forms * GOOHF * Ltrs * Oath * Index * Summary Tipping Pts * TTD-MH
Armadas FlotillasLinks 6576, flObj, flObj$
Are You: Ill-Employed ... WorkHog ... Rioter ... Moral ... Immigrant ... Habitual Politician ... Medical Staff ... Military ... ManHell Letters
Survival SurfWisely * Timism vs. Habituals * Contract * Credo * Jack and Jill * Hope * What We Need * Leave Me Alone I hate you ... Ttd4U ... Modus Operandi
Tables temp 091226-0724 ntvd error

Created by Linkstat.bas\Program
05-22-2015 @ 07:32:31