Simply summarized: VoteTime is a universal, global voting system for
any country. It complements and enhances the
Brainbee. VoteTime allows citizens to print and mark ballots at home
before arriving at a polling station. Old computers and scanners allow quick
scanning with a printed timestamped receipt. VoteTime will lower operating
costs by 75% to 90% and, more importantly, end voters standing in lines to
vote. In capital costs, VoteTime will save $13 to $15 billion in replacing
the crappy machines rushed into polling booths after the 2000 voting disaster.
While other people design voting systems with dollar gains in mind, VoteTime
was designed as part of a broad reform of public policy-making to fulfill
Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change. What good
is wealth if life is worthless? If you do not know the answer, ask the dead
or dying. Probably you are part of the problem rather than the solution,
a CO2-sinner from wants rather than from needs ... a cancer instead of a
Printed receipt for on-line verification.
Embedded on-line voting.
2016 Hacking Crisis: In July, the FBI warned states of foreigners hacking
electronic voting machines. VoteTime has three data paths to prevent fraud:
on-line, scanner and paper trail.
Lottery: The following lists rewards for voting.
Level |
Winner |
Number |
Total |
Precinct |
$100 |
176,933 |
$17,693,300 |
Registrar |
$1,000 |
5,000 |
$5,000,000 |
District |
$10,000 |
435 |
$4,350,000 |
State |
$100,000 |
50 |
$5,000,000 |
Nation |
$1,000,000 |
1 |
$1,000,000 |
Lottery Cost |
$33,043,300 |
This interfaces with the Super
Brainbee's Coding for inexpensive, honest primaries and voting.
Sample Ballot that can be read
by any Windows computer and most scanners.
Surf Wisely: Read the whole page before
reviewing links
The No Stand-In-Line, Simple, Nearly Free Vote
Voting Reform:
Complex Problems
Simple Solution
The state of voting in America is summarized in the following sections:
Problems, Policy-Mocking, and Solutions. Among the solutions
a free internet service for a universal,
downloadable ballot based on
one's postal code, and
a free
vote counting software (VoteTime)
that turns any of the millions of high schoolers' computer/scanners into
vote counting system.
This free, immediately available one-two punch makes a farce of the claims
that billions must be spent on systems that won't be available for years
and which will be outdated in months with company support suspect in these
days of dot.bombs. Whatever the annual cost,
renting computer/scanners from high school students
who serve on election day
with college tuition credits is cheaper and better
than paying for corporate favoritism and mistakes.
If you find the tone at times bitter, it is because this writer has been
a victim of
fraud and knows that without popular demand, the habitual politicians
will finance expensive reforms without real change.
Voting In America: The following links contain summarize over news
accounts of the state of elections and voting in America.
Problems: The primary problem are the people who claim to be Caesar's
wife--voting officials entrusted with the
keys to the doorway of democracy..
Dead People Voting(3) Fuel of Inflated
Vote Whores and Pimps(3) Greasing Pork (really,
this is from the Los Angeles Times)
Registrars(31): Historically
and Currently Dishonest
Bedfellows(1): Political incest and
Peter Principle and Gang-Bang Voting
Policy-mocking: Etymology notwithstanding, politics is introducing
irrelevant factors into problem-solving policy-making so that simple workable
solutions become complex worsening problems. Voting reform proposals are
replete with irrelevant factors, more policy-mocking.
Rights or Human Rights (5)
Do-Nothing Politicians: Promises (14)
Timistic Clutter Cutter Ballot:
Without political approval or registrar contamination, America can give
itself and humanity a universal voting system that offers the best of on-line
voting and poll voting at 1% of the current cost. The key: A dynamic Downloadable
Ballot with hyperlinks based on one's postal
address--Timistic Clutter Cutter
... Minneapolis 2001 example
... District Manual Creation (gdballot.htm)
VoteTime: Simple Software Solution: Become A Vote Reformist and
Save the U.S. Taxpayer Billions of Dollars: Every person with
a scanner has a system that can be used for counting votes. will
initiate a "each one, teach one" training highschoolers to be the nations
vote counters on election day with a college tuition credit for time and
rental. We can have voting reform before the next primaries without spending
billions on outdated
What Can You Do
Signup for an account if you don't have
Install/Test VoteTime to count voters.
New Voting Officials Participate
in the state registrar elections. (versus Votetimers)
Demand YOUR Election Officials not buy any vote counting equipment.
Email A Journalist
Donate a computer/Scanner to Poor Countries
Font Needed
Index of Vote Reform WebPages
The seven members of the
Matter council for Voting Registrars become the members of the
Federal Election Commission, an agency in need of
Touch screens are confusing and discombobulating, especially when compared
to downloadable ballots.
Do you think that the average voter registrar is more dishonest than honest?
Would you like a more honest, cheaper voting system that is universal and
Would you like a
On-line ballot
Weekly ballots
Down loadable ballots.
Would you rather have gang-bang voting that leads to election-year jerks
in the economy or weekly voting?
Outline: Votetime Templates |