Levels of Lifehours
By level lifehours, it is meant the hours of life it takes to acquire the necessities of life to live.
It is important to recognize that the value of a level lifehour is affected by activities in the economy and environment. If the economy or environment causes shortages of needed products then the time needed to buy necesssities increases which adjusts everyone's lifehour downward. This is better known as inflation of the cost of living which re-enforces how all inflation is a cheapening of time.
Broadly, the lifehour is a measure of metabolic activity, that is, is the dynamic unit (individual, family or community) creating enough time to survive? Is it a cancer to itself and others, that is, consuming more time than it creates, e.g., politicians that let their nations that run deficits that take the time of other nations because the politicians in the other nations are taking a cut of cancerous activity. Politicians that facilitate the monetary colonizing of their nation are quislings.
With the understanding of how each level of existence from the individual to the global economy has a level lifehour value, one can assign them names accordingly within the Manheaven hierarchy: global, terra, nomina, region, stata, district, highland, element, ward, area, block and individual. Each level of lifehour upward from the individual to the global is the average lifehour value of the individuals that compose that level. In order to create a more just and equitable world that is needed to fulfill the primary moral imperative of saving life on earth, an economic system and currency exchange system based on level lifehours is a must! Furthermore, an automatic tax is required between the levels as goods are traded across the boundary of economic units.
If each individually is fairly and honestly rewarded for their lifevalue as a problem-solver then they will have an honest lifehour worth. Toward the goal of honest wages for an honest hour of problem-solving, Touch Tone Manager was developed. This is another way of saying capitalism per capita as opposed to capitalism for a fewer few wherein wage-takers take from the wage-earners. If individuals are fairly paid and level lifehours are honestly calculated based on the cost of living, then the cost of government will decrease because people will focus on raising the value of their hours of life in real wealth, not funny papers with funny numbers.
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