Meaning of Life: Create Time

From my "philosophy" card of which I handout a few hundred each month.

Living beyond your means lessens your means: UB meaningless.
Living below your means creates more means: UB meaningful.
Meaning of Life: Be a Timeful Creator not a Timeless Cancer.

Meaningless menials become meanies.

Time and means are one-and-the-same.
Time is thread in the fabric of life.

To be happy with  more means, time, freedom and friends,
live like a baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap.

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On the advice of Jeff Patton, this writer went to college to answer the question, "What is the meaning of life?" rather than for job-training. As explained by Jeff, one will get bored with one's job and the money derived thereof, but one will never be bored if one quests for the meaning of life. Regardless of what job one has, and compared to the ignorers, a questionner will enjoy more the one life that one has.

Initially, from focusing on philosophy, psychology and religions as an undergraduate, the meaning of life was defined as to enjoy life. However, this meaning has a few cracks. Sadists enjoy life. Slave-owners enjoy life. At about the same time these cracks became apparent, the intellectual journey that began as "Rate of Integration" became "Timism."

Consider the nutshell summaries of timism. Time is the thread in the fabric of life. Without time, there is no fabric and no life. Timism is the morality of more time. Timism provides an integration of all relevant factors from physics to religions. As an analytic and a heuristic tool, timism determines the final, existential status of a dynamic entity: creator or cancer of time.

Central to timism is the creation of time, thus, the meaning of life is to be a time-creator.

  1. At all levels of existence is the process whereby entities inadvertantly seek to exist longer, that is, to have more time.
  2. One can see this in a restatement of Darwin's "survival of the fittest," or more meaningfully, "survival of the most time creative."
  3. This meaning of life marries both the means and ends .
  4. One's time creativity is quantifiable in the time created per standard time measurement.
  5. One's meaningfulness in being at one with the meaning of life is measured in one living within one's means.
  6. Living within one's means is a multifaceted endeavor: financial, intellectual and emotional. One avoids being a scumnut  who wants something-for-nothing.
  7. One affirms the meaning of life by being a better and better problem-solver both on and off the job; solving problems saves or creates time.

One can see how this timistic meaning of life dovetails with the subtitle of timism, that is, the morality of more time. A person who understands the meaning of life and seeks to be a meaningful person is a person who expands his problem-solving abilities into new areas, i.e., a rennaisance man, a man of Jen, a jack of all trades or a Dibber with acupuncture morality. A meaningful person does not stay in a job for the sake of money when the new skills can be used in new areas of life to understand and enjoy life as a better, broader problem-solver. This is one of the reasons this writer refocused his life every few years. It is one of the reasons why he is happier than people addicted  to praying for money, money, moneytheism .

One can see blind men shooting in the primitive, provincial religions and moral systems, that is, without the periodic table of existence (timism), earlier thinkers on the meaning of life hit some of the timistic morals. For instance, in Judaism, God was defined as the creator of time which is plausible and acceptable to a timist. However, the later fabrication of an "after life" is falsehood. This falsehood has repeatedly, by ignorance or deceit, distracted people from being the best time-creators on this planet which is the beginning and end of each person's existence. Adhering to a primitive, provincial religion is not to believe in God but to be a half-Goddist for which one will pay in pain and suffering that will probably extend to others in one's life.

The worst example of primitive understanding of the meaning of life is the religious sanctions to be fruitful and multiply, that is, pro-littering. On a planet suffering global dying from too many people, pro-litterites claim a fetus to be a creation. This is a mistake. With over-population, the effect of each fetus is really a cancerous mass of rapidly dividing cells that is killing the system--Mother Earth--on which the new entity depends. Until Controlled Depopulation establishes a sustainable human population of about 300 to 700 million, each new human life is not a creation of time but a destruction of time. Pro-litter is not pro-life but pro-death. This write is proud of having had no kids to cancerously destroy life on earth.

When one understands the meaning of life, one seeks to be meaningful by living within one's means. One seeks to have the self-similarity of the means and ends . One does not want to be a mean, meaningless person.

As noted in the first paragraph, the closer one's understanding to the true meaning of life, the happier one will be. Continuing the Judaic view of God being the creator of time and noting the relation of happiness to free time, the person who walks in the way of the theoretical greatest time creator will know the happiness of God. This writer does enjoy life more because he not only knows the meaning of life but has had the derived free time thereof to know more of existence and to relate to more meaningful people. A lucky person am I.

While the value of timism and the tools of timism to leverage the creation of more time by more people is applaudable, also worthy of praise is how he is a common sense, college-of-hard-knocks everyday problem-solver, to wit, a DIBS. This acupuncture morality is enhanced by the calculus of morality, aka, the timistic morality of more time. Perhaps too fluffy but encompassing is his self-title, timist sine qua non .

To repeat, the meaning of life is to create time. Timism, if applied universally, will create more timistic, happy people if it is first used to fulfill the primary moral imperative, that is, to save life on earth.


See also: Means, Mean, Meaningless and Meaningful